Page 55 of Deacon

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“You already are.” Her quiet voice had him swiveling his head to stare at her.

“And that is?”

“You are here with me.” She touched his jaw gently with the overnight scruff. “And that is all I am asking for now. Stay the night.”

“I- “

“I want to sleep in your arms and wake up with you next to me. I want to sleep just like this.”

Her tender words threw him, and he felt himself going lax with need.

“You are going to be very uncomfortable.” He told her gruffly.

“It will be well worth it.” Leaning forward, she kissed him softly and was about to withdraw when he clamped a hand at her neck to deepen the kiss.

“Deacon. Oh, darling.” He kissed her again hungrily until they were both shaken.

Much later, he lay there staring up at the intricate ceiling pattern after she had fallen asleep in his arms. He could not allow himself to be dragged under by her pretty words. What she offered was out of the question, no matter his feelings. He could never trust another woman with his heart.

What he had felt for Janice was not love; it had been lust in the true sense of the word. He had not been committed enough to spend enough time with her, and he had to admit that, even to himself.

The company had meant more to him than his wife, and it had taken some time for him to take some of the blame.

She had been young and beautiful and wanted companionship. He had not offered her that because he had been too busy making money. He supposed she had gotten tired of him promising to take her someplace where they would be alone.

He shifted slightly to stare at the woman curled up against him. She said she loved him, and he could not dare believe her. Even if that was the case, he could not love her back.


Stretching luxuriously, the feeling of well-being flooding her entire body, she opened her eyes and felt immediately bereft. His long, lean body was not pressed up against her, which meant that he was gone. Biting off a sigh, she turned her head, and what she saw had her heart connecting inside her chest.

He was wearing his pants and his unbuttoned shirt. And he was on his phone. He looked up and over at her as if feeling her eyes on him.

“An urgent call. I hope I did not wake you.” His deep voice sent shivers over her body.

“No. You have to go.” She did not keep the disappointment from her voice.

“Shortly. There is a situation that I have to deal with. I was hoping to shower if you don’t mind.”

“Let’s take one together- “

“You don’t have to get up.”

“Oh yes, I do.” Flinging back the cover, she climbed out of bed, not in the least bit self-conscious about her naked body. Her gorgeous naked body, he thought with a longing that astounded him.

“I have to leave shortly- “

“I will be quick.” Taking his hand, she tugged him out of the sofa and had him smiling slightly as she led the way to the bathroom.

“A shower, this time.’ He stood still while she brushed his shirt off his shoulders and unzipped his trousers. He helped her remove it and allowed himself to be led into the large shower. Sliding the door shut, she adjusted the temperature and opened the jet sprays.

“I want to smell my shower gel on you.” Pressing a button, she caught the light green gel in her palms and turned to slather it over his chest.

“What are you doing?”

“Bathing you. Bend forward.” She ordered.

He did so without a word, and she worked the gel into his thick ink-black hair, slowly massaging the scalp.
