Page 64 of Deacon

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Now, it was much stronger. He had never felt this intensity before – the yearning and need for her so much that it frightened him to death. He could not keep his hands off her, and even thinking about her made him ache with need.

She already held too much power over him, which was unacceptable. He could not afford to be vulnerable again. And that was where he was heading. He should tell her to get out of his life, but the thought of never seeing her again made his heart flutter with fright.

She was spending the night, something he never allowed. But she felt good in his arms. he loved feeling her warmth pressed against his. There was enough light coming from the windows for him to see her face; even in sleep, she was exquisite.

Lifting a hand, he carefully brushed back the hairs from her forehead, his touch lingering. Then, with a sigh, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


May came in with tons of rain, making everything bright and fresh and, as Delores liked to think, giving a fresh start, not just to nature but to humans as well. It had been three weeks since she went to Deacon's loft, and she had spent the night. She would also like to think that they were making progress.

He still would not talk about his past, and they did not go out in public, which bothered her, but she was patient. And she had some terrific news. It was life-changing news, and she had no idea how he would take it, but she would not let that bother her.

Things were moving along. The project with Jerri Colby was underway, and Carter had zipped into town a few days ago to meet with the ghostwriter who would be doing his story. It helps that Samuel was a crazed sports fanatic and was going to do justice to the story.

Her brother had not said anything else about her relationship. She supposed he was caught up with his own good news about the surrogate who was pregnant and carrying their baby. Even Sunday dinner had not been spoiled by his interrogation and questions.

"Carter Reynolds is here." Mariel told her with a beaming smile. “I was tempted to ask him for an autograph."

"He would not say no."

"Anyway, I am heading to the bank and will be there soon. Want me to pick you up something?"

"Some soup."


"That would be great. Thanks. Send Carter in."

He came in with his usual loping walk and dazzling smile. "There you are." Since she had moved from behind her desk to greet him, he caught her in a bear hug and spun her around before setting her down. "Rushing to the airport, but had to report on the progress. That Samuel is a genius."

"I am happy you two hit it off."

"I have to say I had misgivings about this book, but I am happy you suggested it. Sam wanted to interview my dad and sister next, and I told him I was cool with that. How are you, my sweet?"


"There is something different about you. Don't break my heart and tell me you found a guy."

"I won't tell you."

"Ah, Del." He groaned theatrically, placing one hand over his heart. "And right when I am heading into a game. Make sure he treats you right."

"Oh, absolutely."

He glanced at his expensive timepiece with a grimace. "My driver is waiting, and I am running late. Walk me to the lot?"

"Of course." Linking her hand through his, they went outside, where a chauffeur leaned against a town car.

Turning her to face him, he lifted her into his arms and kissed her full on the mouth. "In case you change your mind, you know where to find me," He told her with a grin before he slid into the back seat as the driver opened the door.

When the car turned out of the lot, she realized Deacon was right there, seated in his vehicle, and had a clear view of everything. At first, she just stood there staring at him. It took a minute for her to realize that he was not getting out of the vehicle. When she started walking towards him, he simply backed out and drove out of the lot.

"Oh, God. This is not good." Galvanized into action, she started running towards the car, calling out his name. She was near enough to know that he heard and saw her, but he turned into traffic without looking back.

Heart racing and knees trembling, she hurried back into the building and went to get her phone. "Please pick up." She begged as his number rang and went to voicemail. "Deacon, it's not what you think. Please call me back."

Hanging up, she went to sit behind her desk, her body trembling. The look on his face, the suspicion, the contempt was haunting her. Picking up the phone, she called his number again and left another message.
