Page 67 of Deacon

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"That bastard!" Deacon raged, unable to stand still. "That son of a bitch. I am going to peel the skin off his face and stuff it down his throat."

"Calm down."

"Calm down?" He whirled around and glared at her. She had arrived home to find him waiting for her, and even though it was still fresh, she had wanted to keep the news to herself for a little bit, but he had immediately figured out that something was wrong.

And she had told him all of it. "Don't tell me to calm down. I am going to find him and beat the life out of him."

"And I am going to have to bail you out." Pressing a hand against her sore stomach, she heaved out a breath. "I am four weeks pregnant and have been sick all day; I don't need my brother going nuclear on me."

He was immediately contrite and rushed over; he sat beside her, taking her hand. "Oh honey, I am sorry. Now I have two pregnant women to contend with."

She laughed shakily. "I bet you did not see that happening."

"No." Pulling her close, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the top of her head. "I am here."

"I know." She pressed her face into his shoulder. "And thanks for not saying I told you so."

"I will reserve that for when you are feeling better."


"Have you eaten?"

"Just the soup, and it came back up. The pregnancy is kicking my ass."

"Poor baby. How about I make some tea?"

"That sounds wonderful." She took off her shoes and curled her feet beneath her. The day had been exhausting. She had gone back to work and dove into it, trying to put it all behind her, and forced herself to drink the soup that had come right back up. Now, the weariness was taking a toll.

David was just coming out with the tray when she opened her eyes at the sound of the vehicle pulling into the driveway.

"Son of a bitch!" Depositing the tray none too gently on the table, he started toward the steps.

"David no."

Ignoring her, he barreled toward the man as he exited the vehicle. "Get the hell out of here before I do it for you."

"I intend to see her, and you will not stop me," Deacon told him uncompromisingly.

"We will just see about that."

"Stop it!" Delores found the strength to push out of the swing, and without putting on her shoes, she flew down the steps and got between them. "You." She aimed a glare at Deacon. "Go away."

"I am not leaving until we talk." He told her flatly.

"I think we already did that in your office when you told me to leave."

"I am not leaving until I speak to you."

Chapter 16

"I am not leaving either," David warned them.

Realizing the standoff between the two men, she made a decision. "Okay, fine. I hope I can trust you not to come to blows. We do this inside."

"I want to speak to you alone," Deacon said flatly as he followed her up the steps.
