Page 8 of Her Yule His Log

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“Shut up, Bron,” she growled, standing, and giving me a spectacular view of herassets. “I have to go.”

That got me moving. I stood up, chasing her across the room and pinning her to the wall with my body. I was shaking with need, rage, and totally what the fuckery.

“Why does it make a difference who I am? I still want you and you sure as fuck want me,” I growled.

“I was just handy, and we both know it?—”

“Oh, fuck that, Natalie. Neither of us could have faked what we’ve been doing together the last twelve hours. We haven’t even slept!”

“But why would someone like you want me? Isn’t it better I go now so tomorrow isn’t so awkward when you wake up and realize I’m just, just me?” she asked, and I could see the pain in her eyes whatever assholes had come before me had placed there.

“I don’t know why you think being just you wouldn’t be enough, and honestly, it pisses me the fuck off, Nat.”

“Oh yeah? Well, you lied to me about who you were.”

“Yes, I did. Because I knew you would freak out. Two seconds ago, you were on my lap, purring like a fucking kitten. You find out who I am and now you’re ready to bolt off into a goddamned blizzard, for fuck’s sake! What’s so repulsive? My company? My money? What?”

“No! Nothing about you is repulsive. Shit. You’re right, I panicked, and I acted badly. I’m sorry,” she said.

“Good. Apology accepted, now sit the fuck down so we can finish talking.”

“Fine,” she murmured, tucking the sheet around her before sitting primly on the couch.

“Fine,” I mocked, plotting the ways I’d get her out of that damned piece of Egyptian cotton. “Whiskey?”

“Yes, please.”

Good thing she said yes because we both needed a drink. I needed to calm down, and she needed a moment to absorb my confession. It wasn’t a lie. It was simply an omission.

I went and fixed us both a couple of drinks, hers with soda, and mine neat. I topped hers with a slice of orange and cut up the rest to nibble on. I sat beside her, placing the drinks and orange slices on the side table so I could rip that fucking shit right off her body.


“Are you cold?”


“Are you cold?”

I repeated the question. If she was cold, I’d give it back to her, but I wanted her naked and bare as I was. If I was going to be vulnerable, she was going to be, too, dammit.

“No,” she started, then I slammed my mouth to hers and kissed her silly, stopping before we got carried away.

“Here. Drink this.” I handed her a glass, then got mine and sat back, taking a sip before I spoke again.

Natalie was looking down at her drink, her soft skin, illuminated by the fire glow, looked warm and inviting. I’d memorized every curve and sweet dip over the last few hours, and honestly, no one I had ever been with compared to how fucking stunning I found this woman. She was a diamond in the rough. More beautiful than any other woman I had ever seen, and I’d seen plenty.

“I came here thinking I was just going to spend Christmas alone reading a book and eating a steak. Then you showed up, and I knew the second I saw you, I wanted you.”

“You wanted me?”

“Want, Nat. Present tense, baby. I still want you.”

“I, uh, appreciate the circumstances. I mean, it is a great trope, one of my favorites, in fact. A snowed in smexy timesromance with a Christmasy theme,” she said, speaking in tongues for all I knew.

“It’ll be Christmas in a few hours, Nat, and I want you to spend it with me, in my bed, in my arms. Do you want that, too?” I asked, having to know.

Her warm brown eyes filled with longing as she stared at me, placing her undrunk whiskey on the table. She turned to me and cupped my face, bringing my head down to hers.
