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“Well, here you are, Rena,” Mr. O’Malley said, handing me the keys to my grandfather’s old farmhouse. “You have inherited Grimaldi’s Farm, that means the actual fields, greenhouses, and machinery, along with the house and the old pickup truck.”

It seemed unreal. Gramps had passed almost two months ago now, and it had taken that long for his will to go through probate, whatever the hell that meant. I knew he was happier now, at peace with my grandmother, but I really missed them both. Especially with the holidays just around the corner.

“Thank you, Mr. O’Malley. And the remaining hospital bills, when can I see them?” I asked, anticipating what was sure to be a tidy sum.

Despite having health insurance, a damn good policy too, when my grandmother started declining from her chronic kidney disease, the hospital bills were astronomical. It was probably why Gramps waited so long to seek medical attentionfor his own pain, and by the time he had, it was too late. The cancer was too advanced, and it was everywhere.

“There is nothing to see,” Mr. O’Malley interrupted my morbid thoughts, and I was grateful.

“Excuse me?” I asked, uncertain I had heard him correctly.

“They have all been taken care of by an anonymous donor,” the lawyer replied.

“Really? Who?” I murmured, wondering who would do such a generous thing.

“I am not at liberty to say.”

“Okay, well, thank you again.”

I was a little overwhelmed with all the paperwork as I stood up. And more than a little curious about the generous donor who’d paid Gramps’ bills. Maybe it wasn’t all that surprising. Not really. Gramps was the best. A beloved figure in town, known for his kindness and willingness to always lend a hand.

“You know, Miss Grimaldi, your grandparents were long time clients, friends really, and I know it would mean the world to them to have you back home for the holidays one last time,” he said with an understanding smile on his kindly face.

“I appreciate that. Thank you again.”

I shook hands with the kindly old man, accepting the gentle pat he gave me before leaving his office. I’d put this off long enough. It was time to close the house where I grew up and to say goodbye to that chapter of my life.

Easier said than done…


Ihad one stop to make before driving all the way back to Kent Township in Sussex County, New Jersey. We were supposed to get another freaking snowstorm right on Christmas Eve, too. Luckily, that wasn’t for another couple of days. The roads were clear, for now.

I walked into the apartment I shared with my best friend, Kelsey. She was working out in the middle of the living room, Pilates, yoga, some combo of the two, I did not know. I shook my head as she bent her long, thin frame with the expertise of a professional contortionist.

“You’re back,” she said, popping upright like she was on a sugar high, and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming in surprise.

“Just for a second, Kels. I’m just grabbing my suitcase.”

“Okay, well, drive safely, and remember, it’s okay to feel when you are back there,” she said, big blue eyes keen.

“Geez, Kelsey, I have feelings,” I grumbled.

“Yeah, sweetie, but you’ve been walking around like a robot ever since Dale,” she paused, wincing when I turned to face her.

“We said we would not mention his name. We made a vow!” I growled.

Dale was my latest failed relationship. He worked in the same office we did for an advertising firm in Manhattan. I hated my job. I felt slimy when I worked on campaigns that were clearly misleading the populace.

Maybe I needed a whole life makeover, I wondered as I found my suitcase and toiletries bag on my bed. Hmm. I didn’t remember putting it there, but whatever.

“I know, I know, but he was a weasel. With a super small penis. Like this small,” Kelsey said.

She waved her hand in front of my face, pinching her thumb and pointer together to demonstrate the size of Dale’s member. I snorted. The space she left between fingers was no bigger than a cocktail wiener, which was sadly accurate.

And that was not his worst trait. He was always complaining about how someone wronged him. He was overly critical of my body, the way I dressed, and how much I ate. You see, unlike Kelsey, my body was round and jiggly, and I was perfectly happy with it.
