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“You told me you loved me before. Did you mean that?” she asked.

“I’ve loved you every single second of my life since I was sixteen years old, Morena Grimaldi.”

A long pause spanned between us, then suddenly her deep brown eyes sparkle and she nods her head.

“Good, because I love you too, Jeremy Kent,” she replied and my smile was so wide it hurt, but nothing in the world could stop me from grinning right then.

“Don’t tease me, Rena. Are you saying yes? You’re mine?” I asked.

“I’m all yours, Jeremy. And you are mine, too,” she replied.

Christmas in Hollisby RUN-D.M.C. started playing, since we were at that point in the movie, and right on cue, my cock started twitching in time with the beat.

Thump-thump- thump thump-thump- thump thump- thump thump thump- thump.

But I ignored it, for the time being. Too busy wrapping my woman up in my arms and holding her tight. I was afraid she was going to vanish into a wisp of smoke if I let go.

Christmas had pretty much sucked up until and after that one we spent together our Junior year. Now that I had Rena back in my life, I was never letting her go. I would do anything I had to just to keep her there, by my side.

As for my parents, well, we told them after we got married and set some pretty severe boundaries. They want to get to know our children someday, and maybe we would let them, but they had a lot of atoning to do. Thank goodness for them, my sweet wife is a lot more forgiving than I am.

Rena was and is the best damn thing that ever happened to me. She is everything and I am lucky to have her.

“I am gonna love you for the rest of my life, sweetheart.”

“Good. Maybe that will be long enough.”

Christmas morning, I woke up with Jeremy’s head between my legs, and I was already on the verge of coming as he slid up my heated body and pressed into me with one perfect thrust of his hips. This wasn’t the way I’d imagined this Christmas would go, but I wasn’t complaining.

For the first time in a very long time, my heart felt whole, and I felt complete. Jeremy was the same boy I’d fallen in love with, but he was much more now. Powerful, sure of himself, and so tender with me, I couldn’t help but fall right back in love with him.

“Stay with me,” he commanded, cupping my cheeks and bringing me right up to the precipice of pleasure.

“Yes, yes,” I vowed.

The two of us fell right over the edge together, and it was better than I had ever dreamed.

A few weeks later, we got married. Jeremy had made Kent Township his base of operations, but we were living at my old house. He’d knocked down his family’s home, combining our land as we renovated the house. I didn’t know just how rich the man was until I saw how fast things got done when he did them.


All that money and power, but it didn’t change who he was at his core. Jeremy was still the same wholesome and sweet teenhe’d been with the added bonus of having some serious game in the bedroom.

Lucky me.

As for work, well, I quit my job at that ad agency, and I started writing. Naughty little romances about billionaires and their obsessive, possessive natures when it came to the women they coveted. My first book was picked up by a small press and was releasing the following spring. Jeremy couldn’t wait. He said he would be the first one in line to buy a copy. And I believed him. Just like I believed him when he knew before I did, we were pregnant.

“Your breasts are bigger and darker here,” he said, kissing my nipples and areolas one night. “I think we better see the doctor, sweetheart.”


He just grinned, and the next day, as I received a call from the doctor with the results, I squealed with happiness, practically jumping on him when he came home from a meeting.

“We’re pregnant?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes. We are and you knew before me!” I mock-complained.

But he knew I wasn’t serious. Jeremy gathered me in his arms and kissed me silly after hearing the news. Then we laid on the bed, a plate of freshly baked carrot muffins between us, made with the special carrots he still grew for me in the greenhouse, and we talked about the future.

Our future. Together.

The way it was always supposed to be.

The end.
