Page 48 of Million Dollar Ride

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“I would. You'd get to raise your daughter in peace, be there for her and I will make sure every bit of evidence of this goes away. You know what the right thing is. Do it!” Austin said.

Kenneth looked at the phone again then he sighed and ran his hand across his beard.

“You went and became a man in my absence, didn't you?” He asked.

“I suppose I did,” Austin replied.

He moved so fast that Austin barely had time to rest but the punch sent him staggering back as pain went through his head and his entire face. He found his footing and stood straight though his vision was a little blurry. Kenneth laughed.

“And you've learned to take a punch better. If it had been before, you'd have crumpled against the ground like a sack of potatoes. Come now, let's do this,” he said.

Austin wanted to refuse but there was a part of him that was incredibly angry, enraged even. He walked to the man who was standing with his fist raised.

He threw another jab, but Austin shifted quickly to the side then punched at him. Kenneth held the arm and maneuvered to break it but Austin was just too big and strong. He rushed into Kenneth, ramming a shoulder against his lower belly then he lifted him clear off the ground and threw him.

Kenneth landed on his feet and came at Austin, throwing three punches that Austin dodged then he hit him in the belly, elbowed his face and slammed his head against Austin's nose. The man fell on one knee but managed to get back up again,staggering and trying to make sense of everything when Kenneth threw another punch, but Austin caught the arm then returned his own punch at him.

Kenneth's nose cracked under the force of the punch and another one followed. Then Austin rammed his knee against Kenneth's belly then lifted him again and threw him against a tree.

Austin stepped back to watch his brother try to get up then he ran at him and kicked him in the side. The man screamed and lay on the ground, writhing in pain.

“I am not the boy you left back then, Kenneth. I'm not the boy who was scared of you. I'm not small anymore, not in any way. Now, do we have terms?” He asked.

Kenneth coughed blood then nodded amidst his grunts and labored breathing.

“Yes, You bastard…we have terms,” he said. Austin nodded.

“Good,” he said and walked away. His entire body hurt, and he still felt dizzy but he kept his legs steady and there was sweet relief in his heart.

“What is it with you and fighting?” Nicole asked Austin as she checked the swelling of his face.

“Just so you know, I just came from the hospital, and they handled it.”

He was silent as she stared at him then she spoke.

“Has it been…is it squared away?” She asked. He nodded.

“Yeah, it's squared away,” he said. She laughed in relief then rested her head on his shoulder. He was silent.

“How do you feel?” She asked quietly.

“I just want this over and done with so I can get back to preparing for my exams. I'll also need to speak with Hayden,” he said.

Nicole turned him around to face her and then cupped his face in her palms. She kissed him. It was soft, quiet. She pulled away and looked at him.

“You're a beautiful man, Austin,” she said. She was so perfect. He kissed her back and this time; it was neither soft nor quiet.

Hayden was quiet as he listened to the sounds of the night. There was a knock on his door, and he stood to open it.

Austin was standing there with his hands in his jacket pockets.

“Kenneth came here?” He asked.

“Yeah, he did. He had bruises as well. Looked to be in worse shape than you,” Hayden said. Austin shrugged.

“Ah well. These things happen.”

“How did you swing it?” Hayden asked him. Austin thought about telling him but that would mean another person knows what happened.

“Suffice to say that he won't come back,” he said, and Hayden smiled.

“Come inside and have a drink, brother,” he said. Austin chuckled and walked in with him.
