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She took Samira’s hand in hers and squeezed. “Thank you for the offer, but no. As soon as Tristan is back, he should come here and I’ll start doing what I was brought here to do—have sex with a dragon-shifter.”


Tristan had resisted the pull to return to Melanie for as long as he could. The hunt, taking down two bucks, and the resulting sleep had preoccupied his dragon-half for a little over half a day. Now the dragon was overpowering him little by little, and he knew that it was better to track down Melanie with his human-half marginally in charge rather than with his dragon in complete control.

Especially since he knew full well his dragon wouldn’t bother with consent, and human or not, Melanie didn’t deserve that.

Female. Home. Now.

Still in dragon form, he jumped up and beat his wings until he was high enough to use the wind currents to glide toward Stonefire’s land. He trusted that Bram had prepared Melanie for what was about to happen. Otherwise, he would face the ultimate test of control once he landed back home.

As he soared south, he placated his dragon with thoughts about Melanie’s soft, warm body pressed up against him. Or how her mouth had felt like silk against his tongue. His dragon hummed in appreciation and pressed Tristan to fly faster. The dragon wanted to see the human’s curves in the flesh.

His dragon was a persistent bastard, but one of the upsides of having a dragon-half was that it would give him incredible stamina, allowing him to fuck Melanie for as long as it took to impregnate her. Once that was done, he could go back to his life and not be faced with seeing the human on a daily basis. Provided, of course, he could prevent his dragon from forming a long-lasting attachment.

While he’d keep Melanie at arm’s length once she was pregnant, he wouldn’t be as harsh as Neil had been with Cait; he would avoid insulting his human and would always protect Melanie and his unborn child against any threat. But Tristan wanted to prevent his inner beast from forming too much of an attachment to Melanie because the mate claim frenzy was dangerous. The more his dragon grew attached, the less his human-half would be able to deny his beast. His honor and duty would prevent harming the human, but there was no way in hell he wanted to be mated to one for the rest of his life.

His sister was still suffering years later because of the damage caused by humans and their greed.

Soon, he was gliding down to the landing area inside Stonefire. Once he was on solid ground again, his inner beast roared. His female was here, and she was fertile. They needed to find her. Other males might already be trying to take her.

Tristan reassured his beast they would find her, but first, they needed to be in human form.

His dragon retreated a little, and Tristan imagined his wings retreating into his back, his forelegs straightening, his talons turning into fingers, and his stature shrinking back to his six-foot-three height. The pain of the shift and change of his body was as natural to him as breathing, and within a few seconds, he was in human form again, naked as the day he was born.

A male approached him and his dragon sneered, but soon calmed down. He was the only male who could deal with him right now and not end up a bloody mess on the ground. Bram was clan leader; even his dragon deferred to Bram’s position and slightly greater dominance.

When his clan leader reached him, Bram’s expression was unreadable. “Are you under control?”

His dragon paced inside his head and said,Our female is waiting. Why are we stopping? Can’t our leader see how much we need our female? She will give us young, which will help the clan. We should go. Now.

Soon, he told his dragon. It didn’t really calm the beast, but allowed Tristan enough control to answer Bram coherently. “Barely. Is Melanie ready? And make it quick, Bram. I don’t want to lose complete control of my beast.”

“She’s ready and willing. Still, all I ask is to keep your human-half in control for as long as you can. While Samira talked to her, I don’t know if Melanie truly understands what’s about to happen to her.”

His dragon growled.Our female is waiting. Go to her. Now!

Tristan grit his teeth, fighting the urge to leave. “You know I’ll try. But I need to go before it’s too late.”

Bram nodded. “Come see me when it’s done.”

He nodded and half-jogged toward Melanie’s cottage. His beast kept repeating, “Female. Now. Hurry.” over and over inside his head.

He reached her cottage and with incredible effort, he managed to stop at the door and knock. His dragon roared, but Tristan said to his beast,Wait a bloody second.

Thankfully, the door opened. Melanie stood before him in a fluffy white bathrobe. Her eyes widened. “Oh. It’s you.”

Now. Now. Now. She is fertile. We must fuck her.

Not yet.Tristan said through gritted teeth, “You’ve been told what will happen. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep my dominance over my dragon. I need to know: Are you willing?”

Her eyes were a mixture of emotions, but he was too far gone to recognize what they were. He barely heard her reply when she said, “Yes.”

“Thank fuck.” He rushed at her, tossed her over his shoulder, shut the door, and made a beeline for the bed. He tossed her down and her robe fell open to reveal a silky blue nightie that barely covered her tits and pussy.

Ours. Take her. Now.

Tristan listened to his dragon and covered her soft body with his naked one. He would explore her warm, womanly curves later. For now, he reached between her legs and ran a finger through her slit. She was wet and swollen for him, and his hard cock went even harder.
