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Bram chuckled. She didn’t dare hope for Ara to do the same, but the woman’s frown eased a bit. At least that was something.

Ara said, “Who is operating on him?”


Ara nodded. “Good. Sid has the best reputation in the clan.”

Mel didn’t want to push her luck, but her curiosity pushed her to ask, “How do you know that?”

At first, Arabella said nothing. Since Mel knew how difficult this was for her, being out in the open and not fifteen feet away from a dragon no less, she didn’t mind the woman’s pauses. Hopefully, with time, they would lessen.

Finally Arabella said, “Word of mouth travels in cyberspace just as much as in real life.” She scrutinized Mel from head to toe. “You’re not taking the best care of yourself, let alone my future niece or nephew.

Convinced Arabella was no longer trapped in her memories like before, Mel wasn’t going to tiptoe around Tristan’s sister. That wasn’t her style. “And when did I have the chance to do so? I figured making sure my baby’s father stayed alive was more important than finding something to eat.”

To her surprise, Arabella nodded in approval. “I like your answer.”

She stared. Maybe, just maybe, she and Ara would truly be friends one day.

Bram laid a hand on her elbow and started walking. He guided them toward some rocks lining the landing area and motioned for Mel to sit. “Ara’s right, though. You should sit and I’ll fetch something for you to eat and drink.” He looked to Arabella. “Can you handle keeping Melanie company?”

Bram’s tone had been strong, as if his question had been more an expectation than a request. Even Mel felt compelled to answer in the positive. She was beginning to understand this whole dominance thing.

Arabella dipped her head in the affirmative and Bram said, “Good. Call me if anything happens. Since I’m in the main area, I shouldn’t have any more service interruptions.”

With that, he was gone. Mel looked to Ara and patted the rock next to her. “Come. Sit down. I’ve been pacing for too long and it really doesn’t help Tristan any.”

Ara didn’t sit. Instead, she said, “Thank you for saving my brother’s life.”

Mel blinked. She hadn’t seen that coming.

She shrugged, downplaying her actions. “I’m sure he would’ve done the same for me.” She patted the rock again. “Now, sit down. You’re super tall and looking up at you is giving me a crick in my neck. My little dragon baby might not care, but I do. Sit down, Arabella. I won’t bite.”

The dragonwoman hesitated a few second before gingerly sitting next to Mel. It took everything Mel had not to wrap her arm around the woman’s shoulders for support.

But for now, she was content that Arabella MacLeod would sit next to her.

The two of them sat in silence, staring at the tent and no doubt both hoping Tristan would pull through.

* * *

Tristan was trying to sleep,but his inner dragon kept repeating, “Wake up” over and over inside his head. Nothing, not even a growl or a threat of not shifting for a week, would make the beast stop.

Finally tired of it, he cracked open an eye and promptly shut it again. He moved his arm over his eyes. The light was too bloody bright.

He heard a breathy, “Tristan,” before a soft, warm hand grabbed his other hand and squeezed. He could scent Melanie Hall.

Suddenly, he remembered everything she’d done for him back in the clearing.

Clearly, he was still alive, and now in human form, which meant he was no longer in danger of dying. Yet he had no bloody idea what had happened between then and now. Maybe Melanie could tell him.

He moved his arm and opened his eyes more slowly this time to adjust to the light. Then he looked up into the face of his beautiful human. The way the light played along her cheeks and highlighted the red glints in her hair took his breath away. “Melanie.”

His voice sounded more like a choke than his usual calm, deep voice. But before he could ask for water, Melanie threw her upper body against his and hugged him tightly.

Pain seared through his shoulder, and despite the surge of joy at her touch and warmth, he couldn’t help but say, “Ouch.”

“Oh, sorry!” She released him and moved away. His dragon growled at that, but Melanie then moved to stroke his forehead and both the man and beast settled down. His female smiled and said, “I would tease you about being a big man baby when it comes to pain, but I’m beyond happy that you’re awake. You’ve been out for nearly a week, Tristan, and everyone was starting to think you wouldn’t wake up.”
