Page 21 of Crushing It

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But Sylvie owned who she was. I already liked her for that, whatever their weird little relationship goals were.

Leon–Crush in this room surrounded by plebs who worshipped him and his teammates as though they were minor gods–watched over the pledges. It struck me as a stark contrast that no matter how many beer bottles and yard glasses were added to the table, Leon never touched a drink all night. Neither did Beau.

After all the hype about the frat house–I still wasn’t sure we were supposed to be in on this part of their all-masculine and testosterone throwing life. No one else seemed stupid enough to call either man out on a potential breach in decorum–seeing them handle their pledges, while hazing of course, was just...different.

Leon met my gaze across the room, the corners of his lips quirking. He rubbed a hand over his jaw as he watched me and I followed the movement, mesmerized.

Beside me, Sylvie let out a distinct sound in a bout of silence that could only be called a moan.

“Are you okay?” I swiveled in place, tearing my gaze from Leon with effort.

Sylvie stared up at me through glazed eyes. A flush drifted up her throat to her cheeks, and her mouth hung open a little. She wiggled in place. “Yeah.” She pressed her lips together, but we both heard the sound that didn’t make it past them.

I frowned. “Do you need water? It’s stifling in here with all the bodies.”

Screw Beau’s fucking order for her not to move.Condescending ass.

“No, no it’s not that.” Still struggling with something, Sylvie’s hand shot out and grabbed mine, her nails digging into my skin. “I’m wearing, um, a...toy.” She winced and shifted slightly on the sofa. Her gaze left mine and flickered to find Beau standing across the room and playing with his phone.

Suddenly, her mouth wasn’t the only one hanging open.

“You mean, like...a dick?” I whispered, covering my mouth, though I had no need–a huge roar erupted as Leon’s brother Nash downed his yard glass like it was water and slammed it to the table top.

Sylvie managed a giggle. “No, this thing is pink and round but God, it does the job.” She stared at me, her eyes widening as a breath left her. She squeezed her legs together and drew them slightly to her chest, her hand gripping mine in the bone-breaking variety as she fell apart quietly in public, right there next to me.

The next soft moan that left her was more of a sigh, but it turned a few heads. I shot a glare in Beau’s direction, but he only stared back at me impassively. The possessive look on his face when he watched Sylvie struggle just to stay in the position he left her in however bordered on ravenous. Carnal.

A part of me wanted Leon to watch me that way, too.

“It’s okay. We agreed to it. He doesn’t push me. Well, only in good way,” she amended. “Actually, I was going to ask you– If you would like to, um...” She sucked in a deep breath even as her legs curled tightly under her again.

A glance back at Beau confirmed his head was down, his thumb working that phone like it was her clit.

“As long as you’re safe.” I frowned, squeezing my thighs together. This shouldn’t be turning me on, had literally nothing to do with me, but it did.

“I am, I promise.” She squeezed my hand again, gritting her teeth. “But if he could let me fucking well talk...”

I laughed under my breath. “Good to know he has his bad points.”

“He has plenty of those. Oh.” Her next sound was of disappointment.

I didn’t look at Beau, my ears burning. “What were you asking me?”

“Oh.” She looked like she was stealing herself and sat straighter. A second later she slumped, curling into a tight ball. “I was going to ask if you wanted to join us one time. Beau is...we go to a club sometimes. A sex club. BDSM. But you wouldn’t need to do anything like that,” she added. “Oh, I’m doing a bad job of this.”

I stared at her. “Are you propositioning me?”

“Well, no, not like that. Like, I think you’re beautiful and all. Oh, damnit.” She panted for a second. “Beau wants to help me deal with a fear. I sing, but I get horrendous stage fright and I wanted someone to watch us.”

“You want me to watch you have sex?’ I clarified. “That’s not what I was expecting but um, maybe?”

“No, with Napoleon. Like, bring a date, dual fuck. Not each other, but you with him and me with Beau, just in the sameroom. Beau will probably do some light, um, teasingggg..” Her mouth fell open as she writhed.

“Aren’t you going to get into trouble for this?” I said in a lowered voice.

“Probably, but he’ll punish me later, and I’ll thank him for it.” She smiled broadly at my shocked expression. “It’s who we are, Wrenlee. I wouldn’t ask you to not have your support with you, but I trust you and I don’t have a lot of friends, and...”

“I’ll do it,” I said quickly, before I changed my mind.
