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Everyone is looking at me. I realize I’m supposed to be happy about this and plaster a smile on my face.

I awkwardly stumble forward and I’m pretty sure I black out as I walk down the aisle. What is happening?

Aaron gets down on one knee. A feather could knock me over.

This is not happening.

“Millie. You’ve charmed me with your wit and adventurous spirit. You’re someone I can see myself spending the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?”

No. My instinct is to say HELL NO and walk away. Is he insane? Why is he choosing me? This is not happening. I’m in a nightmare and I would like to wake up now.

I look around at everyone watching and waiting for me to answer.

Tiffany gives me a look that seems to say,do you want to get paid or not?

The money. If I quit, I won’t get paid. That’s unacceptable. I didn’t go through all of this not to get paid.

I take a deep breath and put what I hope is an ecstatic look on my face. “Yes, of course I will. Yes!”

The crew break out in applause, which is entirely unexpected. Maybe they’re just happy that this portion of shooting has come to an end?

I gush and squeal and do all the things you’re supposed to do when you get proposed to.

This is insane. My brain feels like it’s got too many tabs open and it’s frozen. I can’t believe this is happening.

I deserve an Oscar for my performance as I embrace Aaron in a hug, and he twirls me around.

Hell, he deserves an Oscar too.

I smile at him through gritted teeth. All I can keep thinking is that this is insane, over and over.

Why did he choose me?

He looks at me and smirks. What is his game here?

I think back to everything I did on our date. What was it that he enjoyed? Me making fun of people with money? The open-mouth crunching of my food?

He must have an angle here, some sort of plan, because right now it feels like one giant cosmic joke.

I’m sure Natalie said she kissed him, and so did one of the other girls. So why is he proposing to me if we didn’t even kiss? Not that I believe this is real at all.

Proposing after one date is insane, but wouldn’t you choose someone nice and sweet like Natalie? She would’ve been perfect. She can charm the pants off anyone, and is a genuinely good person. I can’t wrap my head around why Aaron would choose me out of all these gorgeous, smart women.

I look back and Natalie has tears in her eyes, actual tears, and of course they look like happy tears. She’s too good for him anyway.

I take another deep breath and try to smile my way through all the hugs and congratulations. A few of the girls hug a little bit too tight or ‘accidentally’ dig their nails into my skin. If only they knew that I didn’t want this at all. Maybe that would be worse. A lot of them wanted this, badly.

I look around at everyone smiling or fake smiling and wonder how I’m going to get out of this. I smile at Aaron, and he smiles back. I wonder what’s going through his head right now. He probably thinks it’s hilarious to watch me squirm.

I just have to come up with a way to get Aaron to call this off. If it’s his idea then I can get the money and won’t have to go through with the charade. I need a new game plan.

The girls leave to finish packing before we all say goodbye.

Aaron and I are the only ones left and the direction is to show the audience how happy we are together.

He leans forward and part of me thinks he’s going to kiss me. I find myself leaning in but instead he wraps his hands around my waist and puts his lips to my ear.

His phone rings, breaking the tension, and we spring apart.
