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Still, he could’ve said that it was a stupid idea, and I was being childish, but instead he’s embracing the theme of the day.

I made the decision in the pool that I wanted to make sure I had fun. The kind of unfiltered fun you have when you’re a kid, when there aren’t social niceties, and you just go for it.

Lucky for me, Aaron seems like he’s in the same mood.

He catches up to me and sticks his tongue out as he starts to pass me.

We’re nearing the final stretch and I try to go faster but I hear the engine falter.

I look ahead and Aaron is pumping his fists as he crosses our designated finish line.

No!My jet ski slows down and stops.

“No fair!” I yell. “My jet ski is faulty!”

He comes over to me. “Wow, I wouldn’t take you for someone who makes excuses.”

I roll my eyes. “No, seriously. I don’t think this is going to last much longer.”

I try to get the thing to restart but it doesn’t work.

Aaron turns his body around to inspect it.

Suddenly, I’m being hefted into the air by Aaron, onto his jet ski.

I’m soaking wet from the ride and our bodies are close together.

“Um, thanks?” I laugh.

He leans close to me, water dripping from his hair. I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest.

I look at his lips and his smile with the small dimple. His gorgeous green eyes. I hold my breath as he gets closer to me.

He suddenly splashes into the water, and I let out a squeal. I feel a twinge of disappointment. Did I want him to kiss me?

I realize he was reaching for the rope on the side to tie it to the other jet ski.

There’s no denying he is attractive and smart, and my body clearly responds to him, but I doubt I’m his type at all.

He jumps back on. “Hold on.”

I wrap my arms around his waist, and I realize I can feel his stomach beneath my hands.

I’m hoping he can’t feel my heart racing against his back, or if he can that he just brushes it off as the adrenaline.

Aaron talks to Nathan and his boss, and they profusely apologize and organize a surprise for us to make up for it.

I’m hoping it’s swimming with dolphins or something equally as cool.

I get into the pants and jacket Nathan gave us for our next activity. Based on that, it’s probably not swimming.

I walk out of the changing room. “Okay, so you won by default, but I think to get an accurate test of skill, we need to broaden our horizons.”

Aaron comes out in matching attire to me. “Firstly, I won fair and square. But I am willing to up the stakes.”

“What are the stakes?”

He clicks his tongue. “I’ll think of something when I win.”
