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I let out a heavy sigh. How did I go from complete euphoria last night to this maelstrom of emotions today?

Aaron boards the plane and I smile at him. He doesn’t look at me and sits down at the seat opposite me but on the other side of the cabin next to the window.

He adjusts his earphones, flips open his laptop, and types away.

I may as well not even be here. I can’t believe he didn’t even give me one tiny smile.

He told me about the jet, he knows I’m here, so why is he ignoring me?

I’m hit with a wave of nausea. This can’t be happening.

I pick at my nails as I wonder what went wrong. Was the sex bad? Was I making everything up?

Did he really just use me? I thought it was more than that.

I fight back tears, again. This is pathetic. I feel pathetic.

I look over at Aaron and my stomach drops.

Maybe I built him up in my head to be a good guy, but in reality he isn’t. That’s on me.

I wish I could call Danielle, but it turns out it costs a lot to use my phone over here. The production crew really didn’t need to take my phone off me because until I get paid, I can’t afford to call anyone anyway.

Oh my gosh. What if he doesn’t pay me now? What if this was just a way of distracting me?

I watch as Aaron types away, still ignoring me.

My blood boils. I feel like I’m going through all the stages of grief at once.

I know Danielle would hype me up so maybe it’s a good thing I can’t call her. I don’t want someone to hype me up; I want someone to throw things at him.

I wish I could walk over and throw his laptop.

I’ve definitely gone from the sad phase to the angry phase.

The more he ignores me, the angrier I become.

By the time we land, I’m surprised I haven’t punched him.

We get off the plane and I stand there not knowing what to do considering he hasn’t acknowledged my existence at all.

He briefly glances at me and gives me a weird side hug and walks over to his limousine and jumps in.

My heart races as I clench my fists.

I want to scream!

When did this personality shift happen? Did I miss the warning signs?

Is Aaron really just like every other douche just trying to get in my pants? He got what he wanted and threw me away like I’m trash. This can’t be happening.

I feel so incredibly stupid. How could I be so naïve to think he was a good guy? Of course he just wanted to get into my pants. I should’ve known better. I should’ve kept my guard up.

I don’t understand where it all went wrong.

When we went to bed last night, we were laughing, we were telling each other our deepest secrets, we were kissing.

What happened while he slept? Did he realize it was all one big mistake? Does he think I’m not good enough for him?
