Page 60 of Ruby

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“Is there anything I can do?” Elise asks quietly. “You seem to be upset. Are we overwhelming you?” Ruby smiles over at her new friend.

“No, thank you, though,” Ruby replies. “I just realized I don’t have to be alone anymore, and…it got to me.” Elise smiles with understanding and compassion shining in her eyes. She puts her arm around Ruby’s shoulders and gives her a side hug. “It’s been a long, long time since I’ve had friends, and it’s just really nice.”

“I understand,” Elise replies. “I’ve found these women to be the best of friends. Now, we have you, too. I’m so happy for Tank as well. He’s always been kind, but kind of reserved, never gets too close to anyone. He’s a good man, and he deserves to have a good woman in his life.”

“I don’t know if I meet the standard, but I’m sure going to try,” Ruby replies as she watches the other women cooking.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t.” Elise hurries to clarify. “The opposite actually. You’ve been good for him. I’ve noticed he’s been more relaxed in the last few weeks, smiling, actually looking happy.”

“I know you weren’t putting me down,” Ruby assures her. “It’s just with the problems in my life, I worry for Tucker’s safety, but I just can’t walk away from him. I tried. I really did, but I’d rather die than live my life without him. It’s crazy to feel this way so soon after meeting him, but it’s how I feel. I think deep down I knew the moment I met him he was going to change my life for the better. I fought it because of who I’m running from and not wanting him to get tangled up in it. However, he’s constantly on my mind. In some ways, it feels like I’ve known him forever, like he’s the other half of me.” Elise’s face morphs into a knowing smile.

“I completely understand,” Elise replies. “Warren was the one who tried to resist our connection.”

“Really? Why would he do that?” Ruby asks. She’d noticed he’s a rather quiet, reserved kind of man, but he seems totally smitten with Elise. “You’re beautiful, and I can see how much he loves you when he looks at you.”

“Well, several reasons, one being he’s fifteen years older than I am,” Elise begins. “He felt like he was too old for me, that he’d be robbing the cradle. For another, he was concerned I was hero worshipping him. He’s the one who cut my bindings and carried me out of the hellhole I’d been kept in for weeks. I tried to convince him that wasn’t the case, but he needed to be sure. I went to therapy for quite a long time before he agreed to see me again. Another reason being we come from such different backgrounds. My parents come from old money. I’m not bragging; it’s just my reality. Warren was raised in foster care and doesn’t have any blood relations. His only family is the guys on the team. He felt like he wasn’t good enough, but to me, he is perfect. He’s my other half. I’ve always been what my mom calls an old soul. I had cancer as a child, maybe that’s why I was more interested in older things. My brother is ten years old than I am. I did my best to keep up with him and his friends when we were growing up so that likely has something to do with it, too.”

“Well, I’m glad he gave in,” Ruby tells her. “You seem like an ideal couple.” Elise chuckles.

“I don’t know about being ideal, but he’s the one for me and our children,” Elise gets a wistful look. “We adopted them. Their older sister, Lakia, had been held captive with me in Syria.” Elise shudders. Ruby’s heart breaks for the woman. She can’t imagine the trauma she must have endured at the hands of terrorists. Elise takes a deep breath before continuing, “She was murdered right in front of me by my captors. Warren found out about her younger siblings. They were sent to an orphanage not long after I was rescued. Their grandparents who’d been caring for them were in failing health and could no longer provide for them. Lakia had helped care for them and worked to feed them. With her gone, there wasn’t anyone else to provide for them. So Warren and I adopted them. They’ve grown so much since we first took them in, not just physically, but socially and emotionally, too. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to give birth to a child after all the chemo I took during my two bouts with cancer, but those children are ours.”

“I’m sorry about the things that happened to you.” Ruby begins understanding how Elise feels witnessing the child’s death. Having witness her own mother’s violent death, she can empathize with Elise. “I’ve come to learn things happen the way they do for a reason. We rarely understand it at the time, and it might take years for us to understand the why, but I believe everything happens like it’s supposed to. I would never have met Tucker if not for my family’s involvement in the mob and me having to flee that life. The last six years have been hell, but now I’ve found heaven on earth with Tucker. Just knowing him the short amount of time I have is worth all the fear, pain, sleepless nights, and days without food. I hope we have many years, together, but if not, I’ll always be thankful for the time we’ve had.”

The women have the food ready in no time at all. They load down the dining table, placing a large stack of paper plates at one end. The guys all line up and fill their plates. Tucker tries to herd Ruby into line, but she declines. “You guys go on. You need to eat before you have to leave for base. The girls and I have all afternoon to eat. I promise I’m not going to starve by waiting a few minutes.” The look he gives her steals another piece of her heart.

“Okay, beautiful,” Tucker replies. “I want to have a few minutes alone with you before we head out, though. So, eat quickly.” He gives her a wink, and Ruby’s heart flutters in her chest at his words. Images of their bodies tangled together cause her face to heat. Tucker grins full on as if he can read her mind. He leans in to place a quick kiss on her lips. “We may not have a much time, but I intend to make it memorable.” Ruby sucks in a breath with wide eyes. “That’s a promise,” Tucker says in a gravelly whisper. Ruby shivers. She’s more than ready for everyone to hurry up, eat, and get out of the house so she can have Tucker all to herself. She licks her lips in anticipation.

An hour later, Tucker appears at her side in the kitchen where she’s been helping the women clean up after the meal.

“Excuse us ladies,” Tucker says as he takes her by the hand and tugs her toward the door. “I need to see Ruby for a few minutes. Y’all can have her this afternoon while we are on base.” Ruby throws a wave over her shoulder as they exit the room. She tries not to blush when she hears the women hooting and whistling as they exit the room. He leads her straight to the stairs and up. When they reach his room, he shuts and quickly locks the door before he whips her around with her back to the door. His mouth crashes into hers. Both of them eagerly grasping at the other.

“Tucker!” Ruby’s breathless plea seems to push him over the edge. He lifts her off her feet and into his arms, carrying her bride style to the bed. He drops her with a bounce before he pounces on her. She reaches for the hem of his t-shirt, eager to get her hands on his skin. She’s been craving his touch and to touch him. As soon as the material is out of her way, her lips move to press kisses to his pecs and abdomen. He sucks in a breath at her touch. Ruby looks up to meet his heated gaze.



Fuck!Ruby’s touch and the look in her eyes has him undone. Ruby might be new to sex, but she knows what she wants and never fails to take his breath away. She gives him a sultry smile as she reaches for the buckle of his belt.

“Beautiful,” Tank croaks out. “I know you’re sore. Let me make you feel good.” Her face falls and gives him a full-on pout to rival Ellie when she’s been told no. Undeterred, Ruby continues to work his belt before quickly unbuttoning his pants.

“Please, Tucker,” Ruby whispers. “I need to feel you. Skin to skin.” Her eyes lock onto his. No way he can deny her anything she wants. This should scare him, the fact she has so much control over him, but it doesn’t. He will gladly give her anything. Any. Thing. She is HIS. His to love, to protect, and to spoil positively rotten.

“Whatever you need, beautiful,” Tank rasps, rising to shed his pants and boxers in one fell swoop. He bends to untie and remove his boots and socks. As he turns back to the bed, he finds Ruby completely naked laying in the middle of his bed. The most beautiful sight he’s ever seen.Damn she’s gorgeous!The thought is on replay in his head as he makes his way onto the bed with her. Ruby bites her lower lip as if in anticipation of the pleasure she knows he’s about to give her. He can’t take as much time as he’d like with the 1300 hours meeting looming, but he will make it good for her. He’ll always make sure she gets everything she needs.

He hovers over her perfect form and admires the view. Her breasts seem to be reaching for him as her nipples harden, begging for his mouth to devour them. He lets his gaze drift down over her ribs, and the flat plane of her stomach, and down to the nest of dark curls between her thighs. There is his goal, but he’s going to take the long route to get there, beginning with her mouth.

“You’re gorgeous, beautiful.” Tank gives her his thoughts as he studies her body. “It’s not just your body, babe. It’s your bravery, your kindness, the way you interact with Ellie and the other women. You are everything I didn’t know I needed until I met you.”

“Tucker.” Ruby’s eyes are so full of love, it takes his breath. Tank lowers his head. Her eyes slowly close in preparation for his kiss. He hovers just above her mouth, letting their breaths mingle. When he doesn’t kiss her, her eyes fly open. He smiles at her.

“Keep your eyes open, beautiful,” Tank whispers. “I want you to take in every kiss, every touch. I want to make memories with you that will last a lifetime. Ones you can hold onto when I’m gone on missions. Something to look forward to when I return to you.” Ruby’s eyes are wide with wonder at his request, but as always, she gives him what he needs, too.

“Yes, Tucker.” Ruby breaths out. “Whatever you need.” She’s killing him by repeating his words back to him. No more time to waste. It’s time to show his woman just how much she means to him, while he can. He closes the minimal distance between them and presses his lips to hers. She opens her mouth to accept him in without hesitation. Their tongues swirl and dance. Both taking what they need and giving back two-fold. She moans as he breaks the kiss to trail down her jawline to her ear. He sucks the lobe into his mouth flicking it with his tongue, then trailing a lick down the side of her neck. She shivers, goosebumps erupt on her skin. He smiles against her skin, loving how his touch affects her.

He places kisses along the top of her shoulder then back along her collarbone, pausing mid-way to suck and nip the skin, marking her, laying his claim on her.

“Mmm, yes” –Ruby moans as he marks her– “Please Tucker,” she begs.
