Page 75 of Ruby

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“You’re not alone, you know?” Ruby looks over at Tucker. He’s so handsome and confident when he drives. He’s been teaching her to drive over the last week. He’s been so patient with her. “Abigail, Straw, and Ellie are right behind us.”

“I know.” Ruby smiles over at him. She takes a deep, calming breath. “I can do this.”

“Absolutely you can,” Tucker tells her. “You survived being hunted and kidnapped by a mob boss. Meeting Grammy will be a piece of cake.” Ruby nods her agreement, but she isn’t so sure. “You can stop worrying now. We’re here.” Ruby looks out the windshield to see a brick home, at the end of a long drive, coming into view. Several large trees are scattered around the yard. She sees a couple of outbuildings to the left of the house along with a detached garage. The house has a carport on one end with a blue sedan parked inside. A very nice-looking BMW is parked behind the sedan. Tucker pulls his truck up beside the BMW and puts it in park.

Tucker opens his door and slides out of his seat. He rounds the hood of the truck and opens her door. Ruby holds on to his shoulders as he lowers her down from the high seat. He presses a kiss to her forehead before throwing his arm around her shoulders. The crunching of gravel lets her know Abigail and Straw have arrived.

Before they make it to the door in the carport, it flies open. A petite gray-haired woman hurries down the two steps from the house to the carport.

“Tucker, my boy!” the woman calls. “Come here and give your Grammy some love.” Tucker releases Ruby to hug the woman, lifting her off her feet. The woman laughs as she pats rather forcefully on his back. He places a big kiss on her weathered cheek before setting her back on her feet.

“Hey, Grammy. You’re looking good today.” Tucker has his hand on the back of her neck, and she’s still holding on to his arms.

“You are, too, my boy,” Grammy says. “I sure have missed you. I’m so glad you and Robert could come bring your women today.” She peeks around Tucker. “Oh! This must be Ruby!” Grammy proceeds to shove Tucker out of the way as she descends on Ruby, grabbing her up and hugging her tightly. “I’m so happy to meet you, sweet girl. Tucker has told me all about you. Now do you want to be called Ruby or Mary Catherine? He said you were beautiful, and he sure wasn’t lying about that, but you’re a little too thin, child. We need to fatten you up. I just don’t know about these young girls worrying about getting fat. When you get to be my age and you have one health problem after another, you’ll be thankful to have a few extra pounds on you.” She leans closer to Ruby as if sharing some super important secret. “You won’t show your wrinkles as bad if you’ve got plenty of meat on your bones.” She winks and laughs. Ruby is smiling and laughing right along with her.

“Good grief, Momma, let the poor girl catch up. You’re talking her ear off, and she ain’t even stepped in the house, yet.” Ruby looks up to see an elderly gentleman who’s nearly as tall as Tucker walking from one of the outbuildings wiping his hands on a cloth. He’s grinning from ear to ear. Tucker walks over to greet him.

“Hi Pa! How are you doing?” Tucker asks as the men hug. Pa pats Tucker’s back.

“I’m pretty good for an old man,” Pa answers. “You’re looking really good, son.” He pauses a minute. Wipes at his eyes with his cloth. “You look so happy.” The man’s voice breaks a little. He clears his throat. “I was beginning to think I wouldn’t live to see the day.” Tucker hugs the man again. They seem to share a few whispered words before pulling apart. Tucker and Pa walk closer to the women.

“Pa. Grammy.” Tucker puts his arm around Ruby pulling her close to his side. “I’d like to introduce you to Ruby, my soon to be wife.” Grammy and Pa’s faces light up. Tucker looks down at Ruby. “Ruby, this is Grammy and Pa.”

“I’m so happy to finally meet you both,” Ruby tells them. Grammy has to hug them both again.

“Let me see the ring,” Grammy takes Ruby’s left hand. Ruby holds up her hand, the diamond sparkling in the sunlight. “Oh Tucker, it’s beautiful. Just like your girl.” Grammy hugs Ruby again, then she notices Straw and Abigail behind them. “Oh there’s my other boy and girl. Where’s the little one?” Ellie jumps out from behind Abigail.

“Grammy!” Ellie screams, running to hug the older woman. “I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too, little girl,” Grammy hugs the child up. “Now everyone into the house, Serena should have lunch just about ready.” Grammy and Pa herd them all into the house.

They enter to house through a laundry room and into a breakfast nook off the kitchen. Grammy leads them on into the kitchen where a tall, brown-headed woman is standing at the stove. She turns to look over her shoulder as they enter. A smile breaks over her face when she sees them entering.

“Tucker! Robert!” Serena exclaims. She puts down the potholders she has in her hands. She hurries around the island and comes over to hug both men. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you guys. Grammy tells me you’ve both found women. I thought she was beginning to slip in her old age, but I see you’ve brought them with you.” Serena is grinning at the group in front of her.

“Quit thinking I’m too old to know if I’m washing or hanging out,” Grammy complains. “You’ll be old, too, one of these days. I ain’t lost my mind yet, young lady.” Serena kisses her grandmother’s cheek.

“I’m sorry, Grammy,” Serena replies in a chastised voice. “I just couldn’t believe these two ogres could have possibly found women to put up with them.” Grammy huffs, while Pa is laughing. Tucker and Straw are looking like they want to strangle Serena.

“Serena, I’d like you to meet Ruby.” Tucker places his arm around her. “We’re getting married next month. I know you don’t get home very often, but I’d love for you to come.” Serena looks Ruby over, a serious expression on her face. Ruby bites her lip, nervously, but remembers Tucker has told her she has nothing to worry about. Despite the scrutiny his sister is giving her, Ruby lifts her chin. She isn’t going to cower in front of Tucker’s sister. Serena grins and steps forward, drawing Ruby into a hug.

“I’m happy to meet you, Ruby,” Serena says sincerely. “I’ve always wanted Tucker to be happy and I can see you make him happy. Welcome to the family.” Ruby has tears in her eyes. She hugs the woman back as relief floods her. She’d been so nervous all week, but they’ve welcomed her with open arms.

Straw then introduces Abigail and Ellie to Serena before they all sit down to a delicious meal. The conversation flows easily. After the meal, the men head outside while the women clean up the dishes. Grammy shows them her latest quilt she’s been working on and promises to teach Serena, Abigail and Ruby how to quilt. Serena confides she’s moving back to North Carolina to be closer to her grandparents and her brothers. As she’d grown up with Straw, he’s like a brother to her, too. She’d realized she didn’t want to miss out on seeing her future nieces and nephews grow up.

Hours later, Tucker helps Ruby into his truck after they’ve said their good-byes. “I told you everything would be fine, beautiful.” Ruby grins at him. With her in his truck seat, she’s practically eye level with him.

“You did,” Ruby agrees. “I love Grammy, Pa, and Serena. I’m so happy you brought me here. I love you, Tucker.” He leans in to kiss her. It’s a deep passionate kiss that goes on a little too long. Serena leans out the carport door to yell.

“Get a room!” Tucker breaks the kiss and grins at his sister.

“Let’s go home, beautiful.” Ruby nods her agreement as he closes the truck door. She can’t wait to get him home and show him just how much she loves him and the life they’re building together.

