Page 26 of Unfounded

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“I’ll clean all this up while you guys talk,” I offer as they get down to business.

“No.” Luke nuzzles my neck. “I want you right here where I can touch you whenever I want.” I grin because I like being in his lap way more than I should. I love how he makes me feel when he’s being so affectionate.

“So I didn’t find shit,” Rosco grumbles. “Spent the whole afternoon running down dead ends.” I wonder if they’re still working on the same case as yesterday, but I don’t pry. They talk around me, but I can’t concentrate on their conversations because Luke’s hands are wandering again. He nuzzles my neck, dropping kisses to my neck and shoulder. His left-hand cups my hip possessively. I wrap my arm around his neck and enjoy drawing circles on his shoulder. It seems I need to be touching him as much as he needs to be touching me.

“Luke!” Bo calling Luke’s name draws us out of the bubble of desire we’ve lost ourselves in.

“What?” Luke asks dreamily, lifting his head from the crook of my neck. His brothers chuckle.

“We are going to head out,” Bo informs us. Luke is more alert now.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” Luke agrees. “And tomorrow night, you’re all on your own. I don’t want to see any of your faces after five p.m. In fact, Bo you hold down the fort tomorrow. I’m taking the day off.” All of their eyes seem to bug out of their heads.

“You’re what?” Enos asks. “You’ve not taken a day off in…well hell, I can’t remember the last time, unless it was when Daisy was at Walter Reed a few years ago.”

“Well, all the more reason I should take a day off,” Luke scoffs. The men actually nod in agreement.

“Go on to bed, Luke,” Rosco says as he stands. “We’ll clean up out here. We’ll lock up and set the alarm when we’re done.” Luke grins at his brother.

“Thanks, Rosco,” Luke beams at his brother. “That sounds like a great idea.” Luke rolls back from the table and once again not letting me up he heads inside to the lift. When we reach the second floor he heads toward his room. My pulse kicks up as he rolls us inside and turns to lock the door. Still not saying a word, he rolls me toward the bed. When we reach it, I rise to my feet before turning to remove Luke’s shirt. He allows me to unbutton his dress shirt and slip it from his body. His undershirt is quick to follow. He hoists himself onto the bed while I hurry to remove my clothing. Once we’re both undressed, I climb on the bed, settling over his waist.

“Thank you for agreeing to not work at the truck stop,” Luke murmurs as he takes my mouth. “I know you’re independent, strong, and can take care of yourself, but I can’t stand the thought something could happen to you. I’ve just found you; I can’t lose you, now.” The emotions in his voice touch me deeply.

“Luke,” I whine, as so many feelings hit me all at once. Theoverriding one is one I don’t want to consider. It’s entirely too soon to be thinking along those lines.

“Tell me what you want, baby girl,” Luke coos as his hands roam over my naked body. They come to rest on the globes of my ass. I love his hands on my body.

“You,” I whisper. “I just want you.” He proceeds to give me exactly what I want.


Iwake after the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a very, very long time. I’m on my left side with Marley cuddled up in my arms. Her naked body is spooned by mine. She’s so beautiful in sleep. I had asked the casualty assistance team not to call unless they have actual information on Daisy. I needed sleep. The last time they’d called they’d informed me the special ops team is on the ground and actively searching for Daisy and those who are with her. Hope blooms that she’ll be found soon, alive and well.

In the meantime, I need to get busy giving my woman what she wants and needs. I’m going to call in a favor from an old high school friend. Jay Gordon owns a nice reputable bar not too far away. I know if he needs anyone, he’ll honor my request, and he’s always looking for help. The next item will be getting Marley’s car back. I sent money yesterday to pay off her car loan. I spoke with her loan officer yesterday, explained that I’d like to remain anonymous as her benefactor. When she begins making payments again, we’ve set her up a savings account that her payment will be deposited into. I made sure the account has a nice amount to get her started. This way, she’ll have a nest egg forwhatever might come her way in the future, and I know she’ll be taken care of if she chooses not to be with me, but damn I really hope she chooses me.

The ringing of my phone from the night stand causes Marley to stir. I grab it and answer it quickly without looking to see who’s calling. “Robertson,” I say gruffly, but quietly.

“Luke Robertson?” a male voice asks. I glance at the phone with a heavy sigh, casualty assistance.

“Yes,” I reply. Marley awakes and comes to a sitting position, worry on her face as if she senses what’s coming.

“I’m pleased to inform you, Captain Robertson has been found,” the voice continues. “She is in a secure location on her way back to Camp Leatherneck. She’ll be debriefed and assessed medically, but all indications are she’s in good health.”

“Thank you,” I reply as relief floods me. She’s alive and seemingly unharmed. I hug Marley to me tightly, pressing kisses to her face in rapid succession. “Daisy’s alive and well!” I exclaim. Marley’s face lights up. She’s happy for me about the good news I’ve gotten. Even though she doesn’t know my sister, I can tell Marley’s been worried about her too. Whenever my brothers and I have been discussing it, her face has been pinched with concern. I need to tell my brothers. “I need to let the others know,” I tell her as I work my way to the edge of the bed where my chair awaits me.

“Yes, of course,” Marley replies as she scoots to the other side of the bed, getting out and grabbing her clothes, which we’d tossed aside last night. We both dress quickly. I pull out my phone and begin calling my brothers.

“Yo, bro!” Bo answers on the third ring. “Do you know what time it is?” he asks then as it occurs to him why I’m calling, he continues. “Oh shit! They found her?”

“Yeah, she’s good man. She’s good.” I can’t hardly get it out as the reality hits me. My vision blurs as my eyes burn from the beginnings of tears. I blink rapidly trying to not let them fall, butthe relief is overwhelming. Marley’s precious hand on my shoulder is my undoing. The tears stream down my face as she wraps her arms around my shoulders. I shake as I try to hold back my tears.

“Let it out,” Marley whispers in my ears, “I’ve got you.” So I let go and sob as all the emotions surrounding Daisy and our relationship flow through me. I can hear Bo trying to keep in his tears, too. Through my emotional breakdown, I can hear him talking to Rosco and Enos.

“They found her, and she’s good.” Bo’s muted voice comes over the line. “Luke’s on the phone.” A shuffling sound is heard, then Rosco’s voice comes over the line.

“They found her?” Rosco asks sounding frantic. “She’s alive and well?”

“Yeah,” I cry, not at all caring my brothers are hearing me. “She’s okay. It’ll be a while before she’ll be able to contact us, but she’s safe.” More noise is heard. It sounds like my brothers are hugging and back slapping one another.
