Page 47 of Baby Daddy

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He stooped so she was staring at the top of his head. Streaks of sun-kissed gold threaded through his light brown hair, tempting her to slip her fingers through the richness. “Okay,” he demanded. “Which toe was I stepping on?”

“Excuse me?”

He pointed to her big toe, grazing the unpainted tip. “The ‘this is my problem and I’ll handle it’ toe?”

She shivered at his touch. “Nope. Not that one.”

His finger tickled the next in line. “Maybe it’s the ‘I don’t want to be obligated’ toe. No, wait. How about this little fella? The one I affectionately call ‘Remember the Alamo.’ The toe of death before surrender.”

A smile slipped across her mouth. “Not that one, either.”

“Hmm. That only leaves two more.” He tapped the next in line. “It can’t be the prideful toe. No need in this case. Which leaves this teeny one at the end. The ‘he’s getting too involved and we’re leaving for Georgia soon’ toe. Right?”

“Bingo,” she whispered.

“So that’s the little troublemaker.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the pliers he’d been using on the bed. “I can take care of that problem easily enough. Now hold reeeeal still.”

“Oh, no, you don’t!” With a shriek of laughter, she danced around him and leaped toward thebed.

“No, wait,” he exclaimed an instant too late. “I only fixed the one—”

She was in midair when the warning reached her. She hit the mattress solidly. As she bounced up, the mattress and box spring collapsed in one corner. Her second bounce sent her rolling in a tangled ball of arms and legs toward the corner of the headboard again, her skull cracking on the solid oak. Her backside wedged into the tiny cubbyhole formed between the dipping mattress and the headboard.

“Rail,” Ty finished with asigh.

“Now you tell me. Gosh. What pretty stars.”

Ty was on top of her in an instant. “Hang in there, sweetheart. I’ll have you out in a sec.” Behind them the door bangedopen.

“You’re rescuing her again,” Hutch announced in delighted tones. Miz Mopsey barked her delight, too. “I’ll bet you’ve never been rescued twice in one day, have you, Mom? I’ll bet you like it a bunch, don’t you?”

“Hutch!” Ty and Cassidy shouted in unison.

The only response was the scamper of feet and pitter-patter of paws rapidly retreating down the hallway.

“I know you’re partial to that kid,” Ty said, popping her free. “But I’m afraid I’m gonna have to kill him.”

She yanked her nightgown back into position and rewrapped the sheet around her. “No problem,” she said, shoving hair from her eyes. “I’ll help you.” They glanced at each other, sharing a moment of perfect accord, their annoyance giving way to laughter.

“He’s a challenge, that’s for damned sure. Fortunately for you, Ilove a good challenge.” Ty shifted the headboard and slipped the last rail into place. “Give me a second to bolt this together and you should be safe enough.”

She frowned. “I have to tell you. The floor is looking better and better.”

He resumed his position beneath the bed and went to work with his wrench. “Or you can join me in my room.”

Say what? Where had that come from? “Sure,” she scoffed, trying to sound offhand. “That’s just the sort of complication we need now.”

“You’re right. It is.” The wrench hit the floor with a clatter. “In fact, I’ve got an even better complication. How about marriage?”

“Marriage!” She blanched. “Who said anything about that?”

“I did.” Slowly, he climbed to his feet. “And just so you know, I’m gonna keep saying it until you agree. So. Will you marry me, Cassidy?”

“That’s impossible,” she whispered.

“Is that your answer?”

“Please don’t do this.”
