Page 68 of Baby Daddy

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“That’s why you were so annoyed when the computer matched us,” she whispered. “With the reporters watching, you didn’t have any choice but to date me.”

Ty thrust a hand through his hair. “Yeah, okay. You’re right. Ihad no choice at that point. But then something happened and you know it.”

She bowed her head. “Hutch started manipulating us.”

“No, damn it all!” he roared. “We kissed. Remember that kiss? Isure do. It had one hell of an impact on me, even if it didn’t on you.”

“Mr. Merrick, please! This is a school.”

He fought his frustration. “Where’s the kid? Get him now. We’re leaving before you screw up my life any further.”

“Yes, please,” Cassidy agreed.

“Will wonders never cease?” he muttered. “She finally agrees with me about something. Iknew that ninety-nine percent had to kick in eventually.”

“I do agree, Ty. Leaving is a good idea. Actually, it’s an excellent idea.” A travesty of a smile crept across her mouth. “I’m sorry about the science project, Mrs. Lopez. I’ll have Hutch come up with a new one during our move to Georgia.”

She said it so sweetly. So brightly. In fact, everything about her was bright. The hot blush glowing across the full sweep of her cheekbones. Her perky, Southern-syrup voice. The tremulous smile pasted on the mouth he’d kissed with such passion a few short hours ago. But brightest of all were her tear-laden eyes. It took every ounce of self-restraint to keep from sweeping her into his arms and carrying her out of the place.

“You are not moving back to Georgia,” he informed her through gritted teeth. “We’re engaged, in case you’ve forgotten.”

“I hardly think this is the place to discuss—”

“You’re right.” He turned to the principal again. “But just so you know, just so there’s not a single, solitary question in your minds, Inot only approve of Hutch’s experiment, I’m proud of him.” He climbed to his feet, sweeping Cassidy up with him. “He wanted a father. What could be a more worthy goal than that? In this crazy world, if that isn’t the smartest, most practical scientific endeavor a boy could work toward, Idon’t know what is. And I’ll tell you something else. I’m gonna make sure hisexperiment succeeds.” He slammed his Stetson down on his head. “In fact, I’m gonna make sure he gets a friggin’ A+ on it.”

If Cassidy had clipped him with a single finger, elbow or knee in protest, he’d have tossed her over his shoulder and been done with it. Perhaps she didn’t because she was expending all her energy in keeping her tears from falling. He grimaced. For a woman who never cried, she sure as hell was the cryingest female he’d ever come across.

Just as they exited the conference room, Hutch scurried up. He took one look at their faces and slipped his arms through the straps of his backpack. “I guess we’re going, huh?”

“Oh, yeah. We’re going.” He caught Mr. Peters’s eye. “But we’ll be back.”

Hutch approached the principal and held out a large envelope. “Here.”

“What’s this?” Mr. Peters asked.

“It’s my other science project. You and Mrs. Lopez should like it okay. It’s about irrigation and erosion and how to make sure we have enough water to grow all the food we need. It’s not the one I wanted to do because right now I don’t care about anything but my mom.” His mouth curved downward. “I was just trying to make her happy, you know. And maybe get a dad.”

“But, Hutch,” Mrs. Lopez protested, “someone could have been hurt. What about your seventh experiment? Igather you were going to put that snake in your mother’s room. Irealize you weren’t aware it was a coral, but—”

“Hutch?” Ty growled.

“I wasn’t! Honest. Iwas really just looking at it. Snakes scare Mom. Iwouldn’t have taken it anywhere near her. Ieven tried to hide it behind my back until Ty threw a fit.”

“Then what was your seventh experiment?” the teacher asked.

Hutch shrugged, ahint of color brightening his cheeks. “I was going to put some of Mom’s bubble bath in the pool. Ithought it would be romantic.”

Mrs. Lopez released a long, drawn-out sigh. “Give us a day to discuss this a little further, Mr. Merrick. There may be some value to what you’ve said.”

A lot of value, he almost retorted, before deciding discretion might be a wiser course of action at the moment. “Thanks. Iappreciate it.”

Wrapping his arms around Cassidy and Hutch, he ushered them from the building. The minute they hit the parking lot, she pulled free. “Please take us to the nearest motel, if you’d be so kind.”

Judging by her expression, he was in it up to his boot tops. “No, Iwon’t be so kind. You’ve got to listen to me, Cassidy—”

“I most certainly do not. You lied to me.”

“I never lied. Ididn’t tell you what Hutch was up to, but that’s because I really didn’t know what Hutch was up to.” He nudged the boy. “Tell her, kid.”
