Page 70 of Baby Daddy

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“And your uncle Ben.” Ty parked the truck and turned off the engine. He shot her an apologetic shrug. “I guess this is one more thing I should’ve come clean about. Iinvited them for a surprise visit. Where it goes from here is up to the three of you. But that cabin’s all theirs if you want.”

She threw her arms around Ty’s neck—only nicking his nose a little bit—and kissed him. Oh, how she loved him. How could she ever have doubted it? She glanced across the yard at the couple who’d raised her, more apprehensive than she cared to admit.

“Go on,” Ty encouraged her. “They’re as scared spitless as you.”

Slowly, Cassidy left the haven of the truck and approached her aunt and uncle. There was a momentary hesitation and then the three were hugging and crying and talking all at once. They were also tripping over each other and knocking elbows a bunch, which explained a lot about Cassidy. Apparently, false body images ran in the family. At long last, she pulled free. Turning, she gestured to Hutch.

He held back, pointing at the bushes on either side of the porch steps. “Mom, look! Your roses are covered in buds.”

She stared in disbelief. They were covered and covered some more. She’d never seen so many blossoms. But then why should she be surprised? “Seems like they’ve found the perfect home to put down roots, just like us.” She ushered her son forward. “Come and meet your relatives, sweetpea. And then I want you to introduce them to your new dad.” Her gaze met Ty’s. “I know they’re going to love him as much as we do.”


“Okay, Wanda,stick out your glass and I’ll pour the champagne.” Willie waited until the seventy-six-year-old woman had stopped fluttering long enough to find a chair. That’s what she got for hiring an escaped fairy godmother from a Disney flick. The woman couldn’t move without fluttering.

Once Wanda was seated and enjoying her champagne, Willie began. “Wait until you hear this update.” She took a quick swallow from her glass. Plucking a yellow rose from a nearby vase, she waved it for emphasis as she began.

“‘Ten-year-old boy uses Yellow Rose Matchmakers and science to snag himself a dad,’”she read. “That’s the headline. Then it says,‘Yellow Rose Matchmakers made Hutch Lonigan quite a deal. For just nine dollars and change they gave him the best date ever—adate with destiny. After filling out an application for his mother, Cassidy Lonigan, Yellow Rose’s computer spat out the perfect father for young Hutch—the grandson of owner, Willie Eden. But it took a few scientific experiments to convince his mother that Ty Merrick was the perfect husband for her. “I got an A+ on the project at school,”Hutch said proudly. “But best of all, Igot a dad.” It looks like the Yellow Rose’s computer matches are back on track!’”

Willie tossed the magazine aside with a sigh and lifted her glass. “I suspect business is going to be booming. Oh! And before I forget, you were right, Wanda, Ireran Cassidy’s application one last time with her correct age and darned if it didn’t come up a one hundred percent fer-sure fire perfect fit, just like you said!”
