Page 36 of Legally Mine

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"It's probably his way of keeping his distance, Sky. Just like you asked."

"He kissed me in the middle of my workplace, Jane. That's not keeping his distance."

"Well, considering what you did on the roof, I'm not sure he was completely out of line on that one."

"Whose side are you on here?"

I harrumphed, and Jane chuckled as she stood up. Through the computer screen, she twirled, modeling an outfit that matched the T-shirt with black skinny jeans, combat boots, and wide studded belt.

"I have to get going, babe," she said. "Got my own fish to catch tonight."

"I don't know how you do it," I replied. "It's a Tuesday night. Don't you have class tomorrow too?"

Jane shrugged. "Everyone needs to let off steam. You swim. I Tinder. But don't worry, Mom, I'll be back before midnight. And no drinking on school nights."

I smiled. "Have fun and be safe. Miss you, Janey."

"Miss you too, Sky. And don't worry. Knowing Old Moneybags, you'll have him in the palm of your hand if you wear a skirt."

I laughed and said my goodbyes. But the pit in my stomach grew a little bit deeper. The problem with having Brandon under my spell was that I couldn't do it without falling under his.

