Page 150 of Legally Ours

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"I realized something this week," he said quietly as his hand pushed the covers down to my waist.

He brushed his hand over my belly, and up to rest in between my breasts, covered only by the thin nightgown. It was a move that was more sweet than erotic, resting his hand over my heart. He kept it there and looked back at me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This trial...I saw how you felt. Free, right?"

I nodded again, but didn't say anything.

Brandon sighed, and his hand pulled lower, down to rest over my stomach.

"I felt it too," he said. "A little." Then he closed his eyes. "I want more."

"You think seeing your dad is going to give you that?" I had other thoughts about what might give that to him, but that needed to be his decision.

"Dr. Jefferson seems to think so." He opened one eye. "You can say it. I know you want to."

I took a deep breath and grinned. "I told you s––oh!"

A second later, I found myself tackled back into the bed while Brandon went to town tickling every part of my bare skin he could find.

"Ahh!" I screeched as his fingers dug into my side. "Uncle! I give up! Uncle!"

"Ha!" He collapsed back down on the pillow, satisfied with his victory, and used one arm to pull me close again.

The quiet of the room descended, and we both closed our eyes.

"I don't want to be mayor, Red."

At first I wasn't sure he had actually said it. The silence between us was so complete, and he looked asleep. Had I imagined it?

But then, Brandon opened his eyes again and looked at me, an arrow-straight gaze of dark blue.

"Say something," he whispered. "Are you...are you disappointed in me?"

Immediately my mouth dropped. "What?"

Brandon shrugged, his gaze fearful. "I–you know–I've already put you through enough with this, and––"

"Brandon, I don't want to be the mayor's wife!"

The words jumped out before I had enough time to formulate them completely, and I clapped my hands over my mouth. In response, Brandon laughed.

"It was that bad, huh?" he asked with a wide, white grin.

I dropped my hands, then shrugged a little. "Well...I didn't want to say anything..."

"And I'm guessing you don't want a big Catholic wedding either?" Brandon said. "You, um, probably don't have to keep up with Catholic school if you don't want to..."

At that, my eyes bugged out, and his laughter filled the room.

"Holy shit!" he crowed as he rolled onto his back and clapped his hands. "Oh shit, baby, if you could see your face right now!"

"It's not funny!" I yelped even as I laughed myself. I sat up in the bed and proceeded to wallop him with a pillow, which only made him laugh even harder.

"Was it really that bad?" he asked between chuckles.

I rolled my eyes. "No. Mostly it's just...I don't know. It's a little fake, you know?"
