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“How can two brothers look so alike and so different at the same time?” Jen wonders aloud.

“I’ve wondered that myself,” I admit. “Charlie is very handsome in a polished sort of way, and Chris is…”

“Chris looks like he’d be magnificent in bed,” Jen supplies.

I almost choke on my wine. “Don’t say stuff like that,” I whisper. “If I spit out my drink, I’ll never get to wear this dress again.” I gesture to the glass of red wine in my hand.

“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.”

“I get it,” I reply.

“Do you?” She smirks.

“It’s hard not to. But that’s my boss’s brother, so I’m trying not to picture him in bed.”

“Hmm,” Jen muses as she blatantly ogles him. “I’m not sure I can say the same about him.”

“What?” I stammer.

“I don’t think he’s seen anything else but you since he walked in the door.”

“Seriously?” I sneak a quick glance toward the door. Chris seems to have been cornered there by a small group as soon as he walked in, but he doesn’t appear to be focused on their conversation. He’s looking beyond them to where I stand with Jen, just to the side of the bar. I avert my eyes. I know I’ve been caught looking in his direction, but I won’t get caught staring. Embarrassing myself at my house was enough, I don’t need to do it again in full view of the crowd gathering for the big event.

“Are you going to fill me in?” Jen probes, finally pulling her gaze away from Chris.

“I wish I could. But I don’t know what to say.”

“So a gorgeous guy walks in and has eyes only for you and you don’t know what to say about that? Do you really expect me to believe nothing is going on?”

“Nothing is going on,” I insist. “We've talked a few times at the office, he came by my house to help with a funding application since our IT expert was out of town and I needed input on the technical section of the document, and that’s it.”

“Nothing happened at your house.” She regards me skeptically.

“No, I told you, he’s my boss’s brother.”

“You also told me he didn’t work at the company.”

“He doesn’t.”

“So why was he helping with a funding application?” She pins me with a look that says, “Gotcha.”

I steal another glance at Chris. He’s looking at the man talking next to him, but almost as if he senses my gaze, he turns and locks eyes with me, briefly, before turning his attention back to his conversation. I turn back to Jen. “Charlie said since our IT guy had given him a walk through of the software and I hadn’t seen it yet that Chris could probably fill in some blanks.”

“Did he?” Jen smirks.

“Oh my gosh, Jen,” I gasp. “I told you we just worked. Nothing happened. I don’t remember you being this interested in my social life in Pilates class.”

“We didn’t have this scenery in Pilates class.” She laughs. “But seriously, I think he’s into you.”

“Well, I can’t be into him without putting myself in a really awkward spot with Charlie, so don’t egg him on.”

“I’m not egging him on,” Jen protests.

“You keep looking over at him. He’s bound to think he’s the topic of our conversation,” I sigh.

“He is.” She grins mischievously.

“Yes, but I’ll still have to see him from time to time at the office, and I’d rather not have to field questions about our conversation tonight when that happens.”
