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“Is he right?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I’m not afraid of relationships. But I don’t want to be in one that won't go anywhere.”

“Is that supposed to mean you think this,” I gesture at the two of us, “is going somewhere?”

“I don’t know yet.” He catches my gaze and holds it. “But I’d like to find out.”

“Why now?”

“Huh?” Chris says.

“You’ve been pulling me in and then pushing me away for weeks,” I say. “Now you’re pulling me in. Why now?” I hold my breath.

“I was tired of trying to push you away.”

“For Charlie?”

“Yes.” His eyes meet mine.

“What would Charlie say about that?” I whisper.

“I don’t know.” He shakes his head, his gaze never leaving mine. “I’m more interested in what you say about it.”

I feel my mouth trying to move, but no words come out. They’re too jumbled in my head, a mixture of fear and excitement and hope and doubt all vying for dominance.

Chris watches me thoughtfully, the hint of a smile on his lips, almost as if he’s enjoying my speechlessness. Suddenly he breaks into a grin, pulls out his wallet, and lays some bills on the table. Apparently, my face has said what words could not.

“Are you ready?” He offers his hand and helps me from the booth.

We make our way to the exit, Chris following closely behind me. I’m hyper conscious of his hand on the small of my back and how it muddles my thoughts. Does he really want to be in a relationship with me? Do I really want to be in one with him? What does that mean for my job? Do I even care? When we reach my truck, I turn to face him and find his face just inches from mine, so close I can smell the fresh scent of soap on his skin. “What now?” I ask.

“Now, you say you’ll go on a date with me.” Chris grabs a lock of hair that escaped my ponytail and tucks it behind my ear. His hand trails down my arm until it finds mine, and he laces our fingers together. “Tomorrow,” he says.

“What did you have in mind?” I say breathlessly.

“A car show. I’m not sure the tires on the Porsche will meet your approval, and I want to look at the latest models to get some ideas.”

“You seem pretty certain that I’m a car girl.” I grin.

“I’m pretty certain you’ve got a lot of interests we can explore. We’re just going to start with cars.”

“And Charlie?” I ask. “What will he say about us exploring things together?”

“I’m more interested in what you have to say, remember?” He gives my hand a squeeze.

I’m pondering how to respond when Jen’s words come back to me, and I decide the bigger risk is not seeing where this might go.

“You wouldn’t go back on your word unless you thought it was worth it?” I ask hesitantly. Chris looks deep into my eyes and nods. “Then I guess you have a date tomorrow.” I exhale.

Chris pulls me forward and brushes his lips across my cheek. “I’ll pick you up at ten,” he says as he opens my door. I slide into the seat and turn the engine over as he walks back to his truck, grateful for the chance to give my shaking knees some relief.

Chapter 9


I ease off the gas pedal for the millionth time as I near Lisa’s house. I’ve caught myself speeding several times over, and in the Porsche, I’m lucky I haven’t drawn the attention of any officers. But each time I think of her, which I’ve done nearly the entire drive, my foot gets heavier on the gas.

I still can’t quite believe I’m on my way to pick her up. That I’m doing exactly what I told Charlie I wouldn’t do. But after seeing her at the launch party, after realizing just how unique she is, I can’t ignore the pull I’m feeling. The first pull I’ve felt in, well, maybe ever.
