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“So, slinky dress means a slim heel and a fuller dress means a fuller heel, right?” I pop a french fry in my mouth.

“Yes, although a slim heel tends to work with just about anything because it matches the natural profile of the leg.”

“But there was a lady with a slim heel and a pair of jeans and you said that didn’t work.”

“That had more to do with her shape than her outfit,” Lisa explains.

“I don’t get it.”

“She had thick ankles and delicate shoes. It didn’t look right to me. It’s the same as if I wore a big chunky heel.” She shrugs, reaching for another fry.

“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.

“My ankles are disproportionately small. If I wore a chunky heel, I’d look like I had clown shoes on.”

“So, that’s another fashion rule, wear what fits your shape?”

“That’s more a matter of preference than an actual rule.” She swirls her fry in ranch dressing before taking a bite.

I lean back in the booth and let out a breath. “I had no idea shoes could be so complicated.”

“Do you regret jumping into this pool?” She smiles.

“Well, it is a lot of information to take in,” I admit, “but I think it gives my theory some credibility.”

“So, you think you understand women’s obsession with shoes?”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand it, and I’m glad my shoe choices are much simpler, but it makes more sense now than it did. And I have to say, I’ve never had more fun looking at shoes.”

“I’ve never had more fun looking at tires.” She smiles bashfully.

“So, as far as first dates go, I did okay?”

“I admit I was skeptical at first, but this was definitely better than the ‘what do you do for work, what are your hobbies’ conversations that seem to be required on a first date. Those are so…superficial, and this is…not. It’s a much better way to get to know someone. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the second date.”

At that a wave of heat courses over me. I don’t want to scare her off, but it’s starting to feel like I could have a relationship with this woman. I already suspected that, or I wouldn’t have asked her out, wouldn’t have gone back on my word to Charlie. But hearing her say exactly what I’d been feeling all along, that we’re making a connection beyond what’s on the surface, makes it that much more real. The thought terrifies and excites me.

“I was thinking you could plan the second date,” I suggest. She cocks her head and grins, seeming to accept the challenge.

True to my word, I hand her the keys to drive home, marveling at how her face lights up when she accepts them. Then I spend the whole ride gripping the edge of my seat. When she finally parks in front of her house, I let out a shaky breath.

“You’re right! This is a lot of fun to drive.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, because I’m not sure I can stomach it again.” I shudder.

“I might have got a little carried away.” She smiles sheepishly.

“A little?” I walk around to the driver’s side and open her door, offering my hand to help her out. She takes it, and I once again lace my fingers with hers to walk up the front path, enjoying the little jolt I feel from the contact.

“I wasn’t that bad. But I don’t get to drive a stick very often, and they are fun to play with.”

My pants are suddenly very tight. I watched her hand on that stick shift the whole drive, trying not to let my mind wander toward what else I want her to touch. She isn’t making a sexual innuendo, but that doesn’t stop me from having a very physical reaction to what she said about sticks. Suddenly she gasps then bursts out laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“I just realized what I said.” She covers her mouth with her hand.

“What did you say?” I feign ignorance.
