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“You really think something got nicked from these servers?” Simon asks.

“I do.”

“And you think it might happen again? To us?”

“Can’t rule it out.” I shake my head.

“Can’t have some knob mucking up our hard work, can we?” Simon exhales. “How can I be of service?”

After I explain the plan and Simon leaves, I sit in the conference room, hoping I’ve done the right thing. Charlie has some really loyal people on his team, and I hate bringing any of them into this mess with Erik. I hate even more that it seems like I’m going behind Charlie’s back, because even though that isn’t my intent, it kind of feels like it.

Charlie and I have always been a bit opposite, having different interests and even different friends growing up, but we’ve always been a team. No matter where our different paths led, we’ve always had each other’s backs, and we’ve never kept secrets from one another. I was honest when I told Simon this project isn’t meant to be a secret. It’s not. I’m just not going to burden Charlie with a potential problem until I know for sure there is one. If and when I determine there’s been a breach, I’ll tell Charlie about it and we’ll solve the problem together, just like we always do. On the surface that might look as if I’m keeping a secret, but the reality is I’m protecting Charlie the best way I know how. When it comes to Engage, anyway. When it comes to Lisa, well, maybe I am keeping secrets.

I still haven’t said anything to Charlie about seeing her, and I have no immediate plans to, either. I want things with her to evolve without the scrutiny or influence of others, and if Charlie, or anyone else in the office, learns about us, I’m not sure how they’d react.

Charlie, of course, would be concerned that Lisa would get hurt. Having married his college sweetheart, Charlie can’t conceive of dating around the way I’ve done in the past, and he doesn’t quite believe I’ve moved beyond that phase of my life. Maybe I haven’t given him reason to believe that. After all, I’d been on a date with a random woman not that long ago when I stopped by the office, so maybe Charlie’s lack of faith is borne of my own actions. But convincing him that things with Lisa are different, involving her in that baggage, I don’t want to go down that path. Not yet. Right now, I want Lisa to myself, so we don't have to define or explain or justify this relationship.

It’s only been two dates, and one incredible night, and yeah, I like the idea of calling her mine. But does that put us in a relationship? Hell if I know. But already I’m thinking about the next time I can see her. How I wish we could have spent the day together instead of going our separate ways.

I grab my phone and pull up her number, thumb hovering over the call icon.

“Hi,” she breathes.

“Hi. How was writing group?” I ask.

“Good. I got some really good advice on how to improve my stories and what to include in my proposal letter. What did you do all day?”

“I had a quick meeting here in town. I was going to drive home, but I really want to see you.”

“You saw me yesterday. And this morning. That wasn’t enough?” she asks coyly.

“God, no.”



“It wasn’t enough for me, either.”

“Good.” I smile to myself. “I was thinking I should spend the night again.”

“On a work night?” she teases.

“I promise not to keep you up too late. I have a flight in the morning, so I can’t be up too late myself.”

“Oh? Where are you going?” Is that disappointment I hear in her voice?

“Florida. Annual fishing trip with Erik. That’s why I want to see you again. I need my fill of you before I go.”

“You mean you want to fill me before you go.”

That brings my dick to attention, and I shuffle in my chair to relieve the pressure. “You’ve gone and got me all hard,” I grunt. “Now I have to see you.”

“I’m here.” She laughs.

“I’m going to run home, grab my things. I’ll be over in a few hours, and then payback.”

Chapter 14
