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“Where?” I frown.

Erik rolls his eyes. “In love. Without a clue.”

“You think I’m in love with her?” My heart is suddenly beating very fast.

“Don’t you?”

“I don’t know. Seriously.” I hold up my hands so Erik isn’t tempted to throw me overboard. “I know I’ve never felt this way, but does that make it love. Can you actually fall in love with someone that fast?”

Erik shrugs. “I don’t think there are any rules, man. All I know is you remind me of me when I first realized I was in love. So yeah, maybe it can happen that fast.”

Erik grabs our empty beer cans and walks toward the trash as I collapse into my deck chair. Love. Am I in love with Lisa? I definitely like her. I definitely lust after her. I’m definitely falling for her. But am I already in love with her? My head says it’s too early for that, but my heart isn’t convinced. Either way, Erik’s right. This is a different side of me, and that means I need to tell Charlie.

The rest of the trip goes smoothly, both of us hauling in a dozen or so fish we can take home. Lisa came up again, because after he pointed out what he thought was obvious, Erik wanted to know more about the woman who had me so distracted. We talked about how she still didn’t know the full scope of my involvement at Engage or even what I did for a living beyond managing buildings. Erik seems to think since we’re keeping secrets from Charlie she’ll be less hostile about the idea that I’m keeping a secret from her, but he also said women are unpredictable, and the sooner I come clean, the better. Either way, I’m expected to bring her over for dinner at the earliest opportunity.

We also talked about sports and even work, but I didn’t broach the subject of the security breach. I just couldn’t bring myself to jeopardize the whole trip by bringing up my concerns. And maybe, just maybe, there’s nothing to be concerned about. That leaves a conversation with Charlie on the top of my agenda now that we’re back. Right after I see Lisa. The thought of going straight home without seeing her leaves an empty feeling in my chest.

I pull up to her house, hoping like hell she’s home, and ring the bell. She opens the door a few seconds later, and one look at her in those glasses with her hair in a sloppy bun and need crashes into me like a wave. I put a hand behind her neck and pull her to me, capturing her in a searing kiss that does nothing to quell the ache in my groin. I release her when she moans, and I realize we’re still standing in the open doorway.

“That’s my kind of hello,” she purrs.

“It’s not over yet,” I reply. “Ask me inside.”

Lisa steps back to let me in, and as I close the door, I bring her to me again, gently brushing my lips across hers. She presses close to me and moans softly. “I see you missed me.”

I nip at her lip. “Hell yes, I missed you.”

She runs a finger down my chest. “I missed you, too.” Her finger trails down to the bulge in my pants.

I catch her wrist and link my fingers through hers. “I’m trying really hard not to carry you off to bed right away, but keep doing that and I won’t be able to help myself.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to carry me to bed right away?” She smiles. I need no further encouragement. I put my hands on her ass and lift her, locking her legs around my waist, and walk us toward the bedroom.

As I set her on the bed, she reaches for her glasses. “Leave them on,” I growl.


“They make you look intelligent and sexy at the same time.” I run my finger down her chest, circling her nipple.

“The sexy librarian fantasy is really a thing?” Her jaw drops.

“I don’t know, but ever since the first time I saw you with your hair all mussed and those glasses sitting on your nose, I’ve dreamed of taking you like this.”

“I think we can do more with that fantasy.” Lisa smiles mischievously, and every muscle in my body, except my cock, freezes in anticipation.

Lisa stands up and reaches for the hem of my shirt, tugging it up. I follow her lead and pull it off, groaning softly as her hands roam over my chest and down my stomach. I pull her shirt up and over her head to reveal her soft, round breasts, framed by a pink lacey bra. I trace my fingers over the lace, pausing briefly to stroke her distended nipples, on my way to removing her pants. She’s wearing a matching set of panties, which are already damp to the touch. She unfastens my jeans and pushes them, and my shorts, off my hips, letting my cock spring free. “Sit.” She gently pushes me toward the bed and drops to her knees.

I watch her eyes grow heated behind the dark frames, and my cock twitches eagerly. She licks her lips then places a chaste kiss to my tip. I twitch again. She smiles seductively and softly traces my length with the tip of her finger. My dick is harder than it’s ever been, and she hasn’t even taken me in her mouth yet. I’m not sure how I’ll last when she does.

Lisa continues to tease me with her fingers and lips, smiling as my cock dances underneath her touch. When I groan in frustration, she finally opens her mouth and takes me in, her tongue roaming over my shaft as her head bobs deliberately over my lap. Her pace is slow but her mouth firm, savoring every inch I have to give her. As she pulls back, she closes her eyes and licks along my length, opening them only when the tip remains inside. Her gaze locks on to mine as she takes me deep again, giving me the full measure of my fantasy.

I’m hovering between agony and bliss, needing a release but wanting to prolong the pleasure of watching my cock slide into her mouth as her hooded eyes tease me to the brink. But when I realize her fingers are inside her panties, that she’s pleasuring both of us together, I lose all control and explode with a strangled cry.

Lisa keeps me in her mouth as my chest heaves, sweetly bringing me down from my release. When I can finally catch my breath, I cup the back of her neck, urging her to my mouth so I can taste it.

“Now me,” I whisper as I lower myself to the floor, dragging her panties down her legs and kneeling between them.

I part her with my fingertips and place a soft kiss on her clit, just as she had done to me. Then I gently flick it with my tongue, smiling to myself when I hear her breath catch. She’s just given me the best orgasm of my life, and I intend to return the favor.
