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“I understand why you were concerned, too.” I smile. “I appreciate that.”

“Well, it pains me to admit, since he is my brother, but Chris hasn’t had the best history in that regard. Not that he isn’t a gentleman,” he’s quick to point out, “but he always struck me as too caviler. Although, after we talked last week, I understand his perspective a bit better.”

“I’m glad. I think it’s important to him that you do.”


“Well, yes. I know you two are different people with different personalities, but I think your approval, or at least your understanding, means a lot to him.”

“Did he say that?” Charlie studies me curiously.

“No. It’s just a feeling I get.”

We’re both silent a beat, but I have to know for myself. “Is it okay with you that I work here while I’m dating Chris?”

I fiddle with my pen. Chris assured me everything’s fine, but I want to hear it from Charlie, and I’m nervous about his answer. There’s no doubt that having your employee and your brother in a romantic relationship could be awkward, and I really can’t blame him if he has concerns about that. Whether it be a heightened awareness over how he treats me compared to the other employees or worries about a potential fallout if things go bad, it’s inevitable that my relationship with Chris will place Charlie in a difficult spot.

“Yes, I am. I was skeptical at first, not about you working here but about you two dating, but I feel better about it now.”

“What changed your mind?” I hold my breath.

“Actually, you did. Just now.”

“Really?” My jaw drops. “How?”

“You said you had a feeling about how important it is for Chris that I understand him. He didn’t tell you that. It’s just something you sensed. I feel the same way. I don’t know if it’s a twin thing or a brother thing, but I want him to understand me, too. The thing is we’ve never actually talked about that. It’s unspoken. But you see it. You see him.” Charlie gives me an appreciative smile.

The weight that’s been sitting on my shoulders all day suddenly evaporates, and I exhale deeply. “Thank you.”

“Have you decided whether you’re going to share this with the rest of the staff, or do you want to keep it private?” Charlie asks.

I hug my arms to my chest. “I don’t object to telling them, but I’m also not sure whether I should make it a point to tell them. What do you think?”

“I agree with you.” He nods absently. “I don’t see a need to make some formal announcement about something that doesn’t really concern them, but it doesn’t need to be a secret.”

“You aren’t concerned that anyone will take issue with me dating your brother?”

“Is that your way of asking if I think they’ll accuse me of playing favorites or doling out special treatment?” Charlie tosses my unspoken concerns back at me with a smile.

“Well, it did cross my mind.”

“No, I’m not concerned. First off, I give special favors to everyone when I can, like working from home or while traveling, so everyone gets all the perks I have to offer. Second, once they realize you’ve been dating awhile and nothing has changed, there won’t be any reason for that knowledge to spook anyone.”

“Okay.” I smile. “Although, if it does become a problem, I hope you’ll tell me. I don’t want my personal life to have a negative impact on everything you’re doing here.”

“You’re part of what we’re doing here, remember?” Charlie laughs. “As long as you want to be here, I’m glad to have you, whether you’re dating my brother or not. Now get out of here and go find him. It’s been a long day.”

“Thank you.” I beam.

I leave the office with a lightness I haven’t felt in weeks. Apparently, the weight of carrying secrets has been burdening me, too. No matter how great I feel about being with Chris, the secrecy had been nagging at me.

Of course, I’m not completely free of secrets, not yet, but my last remaining secret is a whopper, and I’m not ready to test things between me and Chris with something of that magnitude quite yet. After all, Harper cautioned me that it takes a strong man to be comfortable with his significant other writing what amounts to erotic fantasies, and while I know Chris is strong, I also knew his track record with relationships is not. Better not to walk down that path until I know he feels the same way I do. Besides, not even my family or closest friends know this particular secret, so it’s not like I’m keeping something specifically from Chris. For now, being relieved of one secret lifts my spirits, which gives me an idea.

I open the door when I see Chris coming up the walk. Not only has it been several days since I’ve seen him, but I have a big day planned, and I’m jumping with excitement.

“So what’s this surprise you have in store for me?” he asks after kissing me hello.

“Skydiving” I beam, and the color promptly drains from his face.
