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There was no point in denying it. “I did. So, yeah, it’s a bummer he didn’t feel the same, but I’ll get over it.” And I absolutely would. “Trust me, I’ve been through way worse. I just need to lick my wounds today, then I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

The look on her face just then left me feeling unsettled. “You know, when you say stuff like that, it makes me want to ask questions about your past, even though I know you’ll clam up on me.”

She was right about that.

My chest suddenly tightened. “But you won’t, because you’re a good friend.”

“I won’t because I’m thebestfriend,” she confirmed, and that vise-grip loosened. “All right. I’ll let you have the day. But if we’re doing this, we need to do it right.” She kicked off her shoes and pulled her legs up, snuggling deeper into the furniture.

“What’s the right way?”

“You’re going to put on some trashy reality TV that’s not actually reality at all, and we’re going to sit here and judge these women on their cattiness, as well as who has the worst plastic surgery. Now grab the remote. Let’s get this party started.”

Chapter Twelve


Sweat builtat my temples and slid down the sides of my face, collecting and dripping off the tip of my nose onto the floor beneath me. I grunted with each pushup, the muscles burning in my arms like I’d doused them in gasoline and set them on fire.

It had been three days since I ran out of Sawyer’s place, and I still felt like a world-class dick. I couldn’t go on my usual morning run and risk passing by her house and seeing her outside. If I did, I knew I’d stop and try to talk to her. So instead, I’d been kicking my own ass with workouts at home that left my muscles feeling like Jell-O.

I lowered down, feeling the straining pull in my triceps before shoving my way back up. Having lost count a long time ago, I figured I’d just keep going until my arms gave out.

I managed to crank out five more pushups before my cell started ringing, pulling me out of my misery.

I rose to plank position and jumped up and shaking out my arms as I followed the sound into the kitchen.

My boss’s name flashed on the screen. “Hey Linc. What’s up?”

“Just checking in. You sound winded. Everything good?”

“Yeah, just finished up a workout.”

“Good. Glad you’re staying sharp.”

“Don’t I always?” I gritted. That comment made my hackles rise. Rationally, I knew I took it personally because I’d already fucked up, but knowing that didn’t loosen any of the tension that was suddenly squeezing at my neck and shoulders.

“Yep. It’s why I had no problem making you a part of my team.” I knew he’d heard the bite in my words, but he didn’t mention it. Lincoln Sheppard was the kind of man who waited for his men to come to him on their own terms if there was a problem. He was an incredible boss like that. He trusted us to know when we could work something out ourselves and when we needed a little help. “So how are things on the opposite coast? Anything to report?”

“Nope. Not—” A loud, pounding knock sounded on my front door, cutting me off mid-lie. “Hold that thought. Someone at the door.”

I pulled the phone from my ear and moved through the house, grabbing my Glock and holding it behind my back as years of training kicked in. No one in this town knew me well enough to be making house calls, so I needed to be prepared for anything.

Stepping up to the door, I used the phone to push the curtain back and peek out, letting loose a sigh when I saw who was standing on my front porch. Tucking the gun in the fake plastic plant right inside the foyer, I turned the deadbolt and opened the door. “Luna,” I greeted, but before I could get another word out, she jumped right in.

“Hey, dickface. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that you’re the dumbest douchebag on the planet for messing with Sawyer’s head like that.”

Fuck. Lifting the phone to my ear, I kept my eyes pinned to Luna as I said, “Linc, I’m gonna have to call you back.”

His voice was hard as he replied, “Sounds like it. And don’t you fucking forget, or my ass will be on the first plane to Oregon.” Then he disconnected.Shit. Wasn’t looking forward to that conversation.

Sawyer’s friend crossed her arms over her chest and stared daggers, not the slightest bit intimidated to be going head to head with a man my size. She was either the bravest chick alive, or plain stupid for having no fear. And something told me it would be a mistake to think it was the latter. This wasn’t a woman to fuck with.

“I’d apologize for interrupting your call, but I really don’t give a shit.”

Heaving out a sigh, I reached up to rub at my temple, feeling the dull throb of an oncoming headache beating like a drum beneath my skin. “Do you want to come in?”

“Nope,” she clapped back. “This will be fast, so there’s no need for me to be stuck in your space any longer than necessary.”
