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“Goddamn,” Trent groaned as he pried my fingers off the headboard and shifted us onto the bed. I sucked in a surprised gasp at the sensation when he slipped out of me, the feeling a bit raw, like a million exposed nerves.

It wasincredible.

“My God,” he panted as he rolled to his back, pulling me with him so I was nestled against his side, and flinging his forearm over his eyes. “That was... Shit, Sawyer. I don’t have words. We need to rest up and replenish our fluids because we have to do that about a million more times tonight.”

I let out a little giggle and snuggled deeper into him. “I don’t think I have a million more times in me.” I wassore. In the very best way, but still sore. It had beena long time.

He tilted his chin down, looking at me with concern deep in his smoky eyes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Stacking my hands on his chest, I rested my chin on top of them so I could look into those eyes I wanted to swim in. “Not at all. I feel great. Better than I have in a really long time.”

“Glad to hear it,” he said on a chuckle, his body shaking mine with humor.

My smile took over my whole face, splitting my cheeks. “That said, I think you might have broken me. I need some time to heal.”

His expression grew serious as he reached up to brush the hair back from my forehead. “Let me stay with you tonight,” he said in a soft gentle voice.

I curled my lips between my teeth and bit down. I didn’t want anything more than to fall asleep in this man’s arms and wake up beside him, to have his smell imprint on my sheets so it would still be there once he was gone. But I had to think about Renee.

Seeing the struggle written on my face his expression grew tender as he squeezed me tighter. “I can wake up before Little Bit, if that’s what you’re worried about. She doesn’t have to know I was here. I’m just not ready to leave you.”

God, this man already had the power to break my heart, and there was still so much of him I didn’t know. And he didn’t know me. Not therealme. Not at all.

Then there was the fact that he was leaving soon. He wasn’t forever, couldn’t be. His place was somewhere else. And I’d let him pull me under his spell. No, that wasn’t right. That made it sound like it was his fault when it really wasn’t. We were equals in this. I’d done it to myself. Unlike what I told Luna, apparently I had no self-control whatsoever.

A fact that was confirmed when my whole body melted deeper into his and I smiled with a contentment I’d never felt before. “I’d like that.”

He let out a sigh like my answer had just lifted a weight that had been resting on his chest. Pulling me up higher, he pressed his lips to mine in a quick but hard kiss before releasing me.

“Let me go deal with the condom real quick and we can get some shut eye.”

I rolled off him and watched as he climbed from my bed and moved across the room without an ounce of shame. Not that he had reason to feel any. The man’s body could have been cut from marble, and the appendage between his thighs would make angels weep and fall to earth.

His voice held a hint of laughter as he said, “I can feel you staring at my ass.”

“Of course I am. It’s a great ass.”

The bathroom door shut on his deep, raspy laugh, and I quickly climbed from the bed, moving to the dresser. I grabbed a pair of underwear—they weren’t the sexiest, but they also weren’t my period panties or laundry-day undies—and a simple cotton spaghetti strap nightgown.

He came back out of the bathroom just as I slipped the nightgown over my hips, and when he took me in, a grin tugged at his lips, poking those dimples deep.

“Christ. Just when I think you can’t get any cuter, you go and prove me wrong.”

I looked down at myself, brushing at my nightgown and my face flushed red. There was nothing special about it. It was plain blue with not a hint of lace or anything. The fact he thought it made me look cute made me feel like a million bucks.

He moved to his discarded clothes, snatching his boxer briefs up and pulling them back on. “You ready for bed?”

A yawn ripped from my throat before I could get a word out, answering for me. My whole body felt thoroughly used and blissfully exhausted. “Definitely.” I moved to the bed, feeling a twinge between my thighs that made me smile as I pulled the covers back and climbed in. Trent moved around to the other side, turning out the light and climbing in.

It had been years since I’d shared a bed with a man, and I’d been so disgusted with Graham for so much of our marriage that I went out of my way, curling into a tight ball at the very edge of the bed, to stay as far away from him as possible. That had been fine with him. But before getting situated, Trent rolled to face me, hooking me around the middle with his strong arm and pulling me to the middle of the mattress so he could wrap himself around me, his big spoon to my little.

With that done, he rested his head on the pillow, and I lay there, surrounded by his strength and the scent of pine and clean laundry, listening as his breaths evened out.

“Trent?” I whispered into the darkness a few minutes later.

“Yeah, sweetheart?”

“How old are you?” Now that we’d had sex, the fact that I didn’t know the smallest things, such as his age, was starting to needle at my brain.
