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“Ma’am, I’m sorry, I can’t let you in there,” one of the uniformed officers said as he blocked my path.

“Please,” I begged as I tried my best to look past him. “My daughter’s in there. You have to let me through.”

“I’m sorry.” He held his arms out, thwarting my attempt to dart past him. “This is an active crime scene. You can’t go in.”

“Sawyer!” I heard yelled just as Trent and Dalton came running up to me. Charlotte must have called while we were on our way there, and I was beyond grateful to see Trent just then, knowing that whatever was happening in that moment, he’d do everything in his power to shield Renee and me from it. “What’s going on?” he panted as he reached my side. The expression on his face was one I’d never seen before. It was the look of abject terror.

“Wait,” the officer in front of me stopped trying to push me back. “Are you Sawyer Darcy?”

“Yes. I’m Sawyer Darcy. Please, you have to let me through to get to my little girl.”

He looked back over his shoulder, shouting, “Sheriff, I have the mother here!”

Oh God.That couldn’t be good.

The man I recognized as Sheriff Michaels lifted his head, his eyes coming right to me. “Let her through.”

I didn’t even wait for the man to get out of my way before I was barreling past him with Trent right beside me. “Sheriff, what’s going on?” Trent asked. I was glad he was still with it enough to ask, because I was having trouble forming words.

“Sir, are you with Ms. Darcy?”

“Yes, he is,” I bit out. “He’s with me. Now please, tell us what’s going on. Where’s my daughter.”

“Ms. Darcy, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but your daughter was taken.”

Just like that, everything went black.

Chapter Thirty


I was runningon nothing but adrenaline and rage by the time I got to Cheyanne’s house. Renee had officially been missing for an hour and a half, and each minute that passed felt like a knife being plunged into my chest over and over again.

Cheyanne had collapsed the moment the sheriff told her what had happened. I’d had Dalton take her back home with Charlotte and the Warrens so I could stay back and get the full story from the sheriff.

A man had come in, posing as a parent who was trying to find a daycare for his son. Of course, all the information he’d given had been fake, but the staff there couldn’t have known that, at least not right then. One of the workers had taken him on a tour, and when they got to the classroom Renee was in, he’d pulled a gun. The worker who’d been showing him around tried to intervene when he snatched Little Bit and was shot. According to the sheriff, it hadn’t been fatal, but the woman was currently in surgery.

Cheyanne’s house had been a whirlwind of activity for the past forty-five minutes. Georgia had shown up with Dezzy, followed closely by Luna, Sam, and Monica. They were all doing what they could to keep Cheyanne from losing it completely while I did everything in my power to locate her little girl.

The deputies had been there as well, doing what they were trained to do: asking Cheyanne one question after another. None of which would get Renee back to us any faster.

Did she have any enemies that she could think of?


Was there anything in her past that might indicate who had taken her daughter?


Did she have any idea who was behind the kidnapping?

Hell fucking yes.

I knew they were only doing their jobs, they couldn’t just take us at our word when we told them who was responsible and why. They needed evidence. They had to work the case their way.

Fortunately, I had the skills to work it my way at the same time. And my way was a fuck of a lot faster, no evidence required.

“Where are we with the security footage?” I barked as I paced the area between Cheyenne’s kitchen and living room.
