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What a chickenshit I’d been. Sneaking out of his house and then not taking his calls. I’d even gotten Claudia to tell him I’d gotten back with Henry, which would never have happened. It’d taken a while, but we’d both moved on. For him, it’d been the NFL draft and a life in the pros. For me, it’d been four more years of school at Yale Law.

When my alarm rang, I groaned. I was exhausted. As Zack had pointed out last night, I was the boss. I could call in. I could work from home. My assistant could forward anything I’d need.

However, again as he’d said, I was the boss, and as such, it was my responsibility to set a good work ethic for the staff. Other than Robin, my assistant, I was usually the first in and last out. How could I expect my staff to work hard if I didn’t?

A tiny, pink tongue flicked my cheek. I couldn’t hold back the smile. I turned my head and looked at my tiny houseguest. “You know, I brought your bed up here so you could sleep in it.”

His tongue curled out of his mouth as he yawned.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. That dog bed is all for show. Well, come on. Let’s get up and get moving. I guess you get to learn how to run the Carmichael Foundation today.”

Since I knew I’d be late to the office, I didn’t have time to make a stop to get what Baxter would need. I certainly wasn’t going to haul his bed and bowls back and forth every day. My assistant, Robin, was great with strange requests. Her response to today’s texts should be interesting.

Me: I need a couple of items for my office. Can you grab them on your way in?

Robin: Sure. No problem. What do you need?

Me: Quality dog food, water and food bowls, and a comfortable, but smallish, dog bed.

Robin: …………

I grinned as I watched the dots on Robin’s reply appear and disappear. I’d bet money she was writing and deleting messages not quite sure what to say.

Robin: Okay. You got me. In all the years I’ve worked for you, you’ve rarely left me speechless, but congratulations, I am speechless. You got a dog? Since yesterday?

Me: Temporarily. I swear. Long story, but my neighbor had to go to the hospital last night and I have her dog.

Robin: Ah. Big dog?

Me: He thinks so, but only about eight pounds.

Robin: Got it. See you in the office.

And this was why Robin was an excellent assistant. She’d been thrown a little by my request, but was still ready to grab the reins and do what needed to be done.

At seven, I walked Baxter outside to do his business before calling the hospital to check on Lillian. Since I’m not her family—I should have lied and said I was Lillian’s daughter—there wasn’t much information forthcoming. I’d make time today to get away from the office to go by the hospital and check on Lilliam myself.

Once Baxter was finished watering about ten different spots in my yard, I loaded him into my car and headed to the office. If he was with me very long and kept going to the office, I might to look into a doggie seat for him.

“Well, today should be interesting,” I told him.

His reply was a yip and lick to my nose.

I assumed he agreed.


In my life, I’ve had MY fair share of the spotlight. However, I’ve never paraded naked into a room, but the way heads wheeled around to watch me walk in with Baxter, I can only assume it would feel something like this. I’d sort of thought everyone might glance at our entrance and then return to their work. Yeah, no. Baxter, in all his handsomeness, pulled the staff from their offices and cubicles to pet, kiss, nuzzle, and basically love on Baxter like he was a rock star. He took it all in stride as his due.

It took a while before I could separate my staff from Baxter and all the doting. When I finally reach my office, Robin stood in the doorway watching our approach. As we neared, she crouched down and held out a doggie treat. Baxter sniffed, and using all eight of his pounds, pulled me toward Robin and her bribe.

“Dog treats?” I asked with a side-eye. “I don’t remember ordering those.”

Robin grinned up at me from where she was rubbing all over Baxter’s quivering body. “I love dogs. We always had three or four in the house when I was growing up.”

“How did I not know that?”

Robin kissed the top of Baxter’s head and stood. “The subject never came up.”
