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I nodded. “I wouldn’t put it past him to be the one who took things from Lillian’s house.”

“You think? Why would he want Baxter so bad?”

“No clue. Speaking of which, where is he?”

“Hidden in accounting. Sheila has him stashed under her desk.”

I chuckled. “Good. Since my concentration is shot at the moment, I think I’ll head to the hospital. Lillian’s case manager called earlier, and they’re moving her to the rehab floor. I want to go up and make sure she’s settled.”

“Send what you’ve completed, and I’ll start working on the graphics.”


And once again, I was thankful to have found such an incredible assistant.

Once I arrived at the hospital, I discovered that Lillian had been moved up to the eighth floor, room 804. As I neared the room, I heard Lillian’s laugh, which made my heart happy and my mouth smile.

Then I heard a deeper laugh, and her stomach clenched. I knew that laugh. Zack was here. Maybe I should leave and come back later.

Sweat collected in my palms. It was just like when I’d been in high school, and a cute boy would speak to me. One would think at my age, I’d be past adolescent reactions.

But my kickass heels gave me the confidence to step into the open doorway. What I saw made me smile. Zack was acting out something, using his pointed finger like a gun. Lillian’s hands covered her mouth as she laughed.

“And then, he wet his pants,” Zack said.

“Oh my.” Lillian giggled.

“Yeah, I put him in a patrol car. I wasn’t letting him sit on my back seat.”

“Sounds like I missed quite a story,” I said, kind of sorry I had missed it. “How are you feeling, Lillian?”

“Like an old fool. Come here and give me a hug. I want to hear about how Baxter is doing.”

“I should be going,” Zack said.

“No, stay,” I said. “I don’t want to run you off.”

“Stay,” Lillian echoed. “You’ve only just gotten here.” She held out her hand to him, which he took. Then she held out her other hand to me, and of course, I had to take her hand too. “My two heroes. I might not be here if not for you.”

I squeezed her hand. “Good neighbors. Everyone needs them.” She shifted her gaze to Zack. “What have you two been discussing?”

Zack released Lillian’s hand. He dragged a chair over to the side of the bed and gestured for me to take a seat.

“Those shoes look deadly,” he said with an arched brow.

“Thanks.” I kicked my foot up and turned my foot from one side to the other as though admiring my shoe. “Hell to run in, though.”

He laughed. Lillian giggled.

“The prices we women pay to look good,” Lillian said.

Zack cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. He sighed loudly.

“Oh, dear. You’ve got bad news to tell me,” Lillian said. “I know you, Zack. Just say it quick.”

“Someone broke into your house and, we think, stole some items.”

Lillian looked at me. “Did you know?”

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