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“Excuse me?”

“Have dinner with me tonight.”

I shook my head. “Sounds nice, but I’m not leaving Baxter alone, not even for a night. Randall seemed a little desperate this morning to get his hands on him, and I don’t know why. Until I understand what’s going on, the dog goes where I go.”

“Where is the little guy now?”


“No, Randall,” Zack said sarcastically. “Of course, I mean Baxter.”

We began walking toward the elevator. “That little boy has an army of corporate women protecting him. When I left, he was hiding in the accounting department under a desk.” I smiled. “He’s safe there. Not one of those women will let him out of sight.”

“Good. Then it’s settled. Dinner will be at your house.”

I stopped walking and looked at him with an arched brow. “It’s settled?”

“Well, yeah…all but the timing.”

“How do you know I want to have dinner with you?” My heart raced. Did I want to have dinner with him? Yes battled No in my brain. What scared me was that no man had ever touched my soul like he had, which is why I’d run so many years ago. Did I really want to reopen that door?

We were on the elevator alone, no one listening to our conversation, thank goodness, because I was sure my face flamed red when Zack whispered in my ear, “I remember how you smell when you’re turned on, Princess. It’s like nectar to a bee, and I’m the bee.” He gently bit my ear. “I’ll see you at seven,” he whispered, straightening as the elevator doors slid opened. “I’ll bring everything. You don’t have to do a thing,” he said, and exited the elevator car into the hospital lobby.

How I made it from the hospital lobby to my car on quaking knees and shaky legs would forever mystify me. My heart galloped, not out of my chest, but it felt like it wanted to. My brain was dizzy and fuzzy. When I finally got to my car, I dropped behind the steering wheel with a gasp for air. What just happened?


“I don’t know what I’ve gotten us into, Baxter,” I confided on the drive home. “Am I making a mistake letting him back in?”

Baxter yipped excitedly. I decided to take that as encouragement that I was making the right decision. Damn, I appreciated his support.

“What do I wear?” I glanced over at the tiny dog in the doggie car seat. “Jeans? Maybe a pair of yoga pants, like I don’t care what he thinks?”

The dog panted back at me.

“See? You were giving good answers until now.”

My phone rang through the car’s Bluetooth.


“It’s me,” Dee said.

“Hey, me. What’s going on?”

“Um, I need to talk to you.”

“Okay, talk.”

“Not on the phone. Can I come over?”

“Um….” I hesitated. I didn’t want my sisters making a big deal out of Zack making dinner tonight. On the other hand, I had nothing to be embarrassed about. But I dreaded the inquisition when they found out.

“You have a date tonight or something?” Dee asked.

I winced, even though no one could see me but Baxter. “Something like that.”
