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“Definitely, Princess. I’ll be honest. I know you’re far out of my league, but I can’t get you out of my soul. You’ve ingrained yourself.”

I smiled and ran my hand along his jaw. “I want to try, Zack. You’ve been the only man I wanted for years.”

Again, he pulled me over and into his lap—this time for a long, deep kiss. “You just keep thinking that, Princess.”

While we were cleaning up after dinner, he asked a million questions about my house renovations, including the names of all the subcontractors I’d used. I promised to put together a list and send it to him. I knew Robin had all the information so getting him a list would be easy. Besides, it gave me joy to help him.

“I never asked, why did you buy the Skaggs’s old place?” I asked. “I respect a challenge as much as the next person, but wow. You’ve undertaken a big one.”

“Ethyl and Raymond Skaggs were family…well, distant family. She was my mother’s great-aunt. I remember coming over here when I was just a kid. I thought this was a neighborhood of mansions, and I grew up dreaming of living in this area. After both of the Skaggs died and their children had no interest whatsoever in the old place, I bought it. Got a great deal because of the condition, but I knew what I was getting into.”

“I’m glad. I love these old homes. Did you apply for one of our foundation’s grants for houses in this area?”

He frowned. “What grants?”

I explained about the foundation’s grant program, but also about the catch. Houses renovated through grants had to be open for an annual Christmas tour that raised money for additional grants to renovate other homes in the area.

“You bet I’m interested. What do I need to know?”

“I’ll bring home the papers tomorrow night for you, okay?”

He gave me a slow, sexy smile that sent my heart racing. “Dinner two nights in a row? Do I have to like sleep with someone to get one of these grants?”

My heart twittered and the area between my thighs got suddenly damp. “You don’t have to, but…” I shrugged. “It never hurts.”

He laughed and pulled me into a tight embrace. “I’ll try to remember all my tricks.”

As I shook my head, Baxter charged into the kitchen. Apparently done with his dinner, the tiny general was ready to order his troops to play.

Zack threw a ball out the door into the yard, and Baxter raced to retrieve it.

“You enjoy dogs,” I said as I saw the pleasure playing with Baxter brought him.

“I do.”

“I didn’t think I’d like having Baxter underfoot, but he’s great company.”

“You’re going to miss him when Lillian gets home.”

“Or maybe I’ll kidnap him and keep him here with me.”

Zack laughed. “I’d have to arrest you for dognapping.”

“Does that involve frisking and handcuffs?” I coyly batted my eyelashes at him.

“Total body cavity search,” he said in a voice that betrayed how much he liked the idea.

“Hmm. What other crimes require a body cavity search?”

We’d relocated to my deck while Zack had been playing with Baxter. I found a seat on one of the loungers. Zack threw the ball one more time, then slipped behind me, placing me snuggly between his thick, muscular thighs. Then, he leaned close to my ear and whispered, “For a career criminal like you, a total body cavity search might be needed nightly.”

His hot breath and whispered words sent goose bumps popping on my arms. Chills rolled down my spine, vertebra by vertebra. I turned until my face was angled toward him. “May I suggest you start with my mouth?”

So, he did. Long, deep, wet kisses that had me squirming in his lap. Hands roamed. Mine moved up and down his chest and over his shoulders. His swept along my sides to my hips and then back up to my breasts. His low, guttural moans vibrated my chest and invaded my soul. His thick cock pressed into my side, making me hungry for him in my bed.

Memories from years ago flooded my brain. His mouth kissing and licking its way down my body until he found my core. I’d left more behind than just my V card. I’d left behind my heart. I’d always believed so, but now, at this moment, back in his arms, I knew it to be fact.

“I’ve got to go,” he murmured against my lips.
