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He kissed me back. “Always. I’ll talk to you later. One of us needs to turn the alarm off.”

“Code is 11185. Reset it when you leave, okay?” I yawned and stretched. “What time is it?”


I tossed the covers off with a sigh. He stroked my naked flesh with a hot gaze.

“I might as well get up. It’s almost time anyway. And stop looking at me like that. Neither of us will leave the house today, and I have to. I’ve got lunch with Dee, and I’ve already canceled lunch already a couple of times, so that’s not an option. However, lunch with my sister means I’ll lose a couple of hours of work time.” Standing, I stretched my arms over my head, then bent at the waist, pressing my hands flat on the hardwood floor.

“That’s not playing fair,” Zack said.

Still in my bent position with my ass high in the air, I turned my head to look up at him. “Just trying to give you a reason to come back tonight.”

He roughly pulled me up and into his arms with a jerk. The kiss he gave me was passionate and possessive, making my toes curl on the hardwood floor. Then, he set me on my feet, an arm’s length away. “Stop it. I have to go.”

I fluttered my eyelashes coquettishly. “I’m not doing anything.”

His laugh was gravelly. “Right. I’ll touch base when I can.”

A few moments later, I heard the alarm chime off and then back on, followed by the slamming of my front door. Baxter yipped. “Me, too, Baxter. I think I might keep this one.”

Later that day, I walked into the Island Salad House to meet Dee for lunch. My sister was already seated and waved me over to a four-person booth.

“You look…different,” Dee said, studying my face. “New makeup? No00,” she dragged out as she studied my face.

I felt the blush as it rolled up my neck to my cheeks.

“Ohmygod, you had sex,” Dee said.

“Good God, Dee. Keep your voice down,” I admonished. “Everyone having lunch doesn’t need to know.”

“I know it couldn’t have been Richard, because you’ve only looked like this once before. You did it with the hot cop.”

“How do I look?”

“Happy. Elated. Sated. Glowing. Need I go on?”

I dipped my head. “No, I think you’ve said enough.”

Dee reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Are you? Why?”

“Richard was a total prick. All he ever wanted to talk about was money, money, money. And Lord, I was always embarrassed when I was with you guys and he started flashing hundred-dollar bills around. No class at all. Now, Zack? I’ve always liked that guy. I talked to Brooke the other night about him, and once again, she said the entire female hospital staff was in love with him.”

“Wait. You and Brooke have been discussing my love life?”

“Sure,” she said unapologetically. “Who’s got Baxter right now? Surely Lillian isn’t home yet.”

“He’s with my office staff. I’ve forgotten whose day it is to pamper him.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m afraid Lillian will be getting back a very spoiled dog.”

Dee laughed. “Isn’t that what a tiny dog is for? To spoil?”

“If so, I’m doing a bang-up job.”

Our server came and we placed drink orders—iced teas for both of us. The waitress said she’d be right back with our drinks and then take our orders.

“So, you called this meeting,” I said, nibbling on a saltine cracker from the basket on the table. “What’s up?”
