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We wheeled my Benz into the circle drive, led by the security car. We left the flashers going and ran for the entrance. The security officer was right on our heels as they passed through the lobby’s sliding doors.

“You want to tell me what’s going on?” the hospital security guard asked.

“We think a patient may be in danger. We don’t want you to call up and alert the staff. If the guy is up there, I don’t want him to be spooked by the staff acting strange.”

“Look, we have to warn the staff to stay out of the way.”

Zack gave a crisp nod and the security guard used his radio.

Security commandeered an elevator and the three of us boarded. The climb to the eighth floor felt like an hour. Finally, the doors opened. Zack’s phone rang. One glance at the readout and he answered, waving the others to stop.

I danced in place as Zack took his call.

“Noles. Yeah?” When he chuckled, I stared in disbelief that he could laugh right now. “Dog’s okay? Great. Thanks, Bristol. Beers on me tonight.” Zack gave me a nod. “Baxter’s fine. He was tied to a table in the hotel room where Randall has been staying. Bristol said there was blood in the bathroom, but didn’t seem to come from Baxter. He thinks Baxter must have bit Randall.” He snickered again. “Couldn’t happen to a better person.”

“So, they have Randall in custody?” I blew out a breath of relief.

“Not yet.”

“Damn,” I muttered. “Why not?”

“He had a partner. A woman. Name’s Wendy Watson. She told the patrol officer who arrested her that Randall had gone to the store for bandages. The cops are there waiting for his return.”

I sagged against the wall. “Thank goodness. Whew,” I said on a long exhale. “I want to drop by and see Lillian while I’m here. Okay?”

“Sure. I’ll be there in a minute. I want to touch base with the precinct on my other case.”

“Don’t hurry. I’ll be with Lillian until you’re ready to go.”

Zack pulled out his phone and made a call.

The security guard caught the elevator back down to the lobby.

It took a couple of minutes before I found Lillian’s room. Her door was shut. I didn’t want to wake her if she was sleeping, so I eased the door open quietly to sneak a peek. I knew rehab was tough and would be even tougher on a woman Lillian’s age.

The scene I observed was beyond believable. “What the fuck?” I yelled. “What the hell are you doing, asshole?”

Inside the room, Randall stood at Lillian’s bedside. He had a pillow pressed firmly over her face. Lillian’s limbs were thrashing as she struggled to fight him off.

“Zack, help,” I screamed down the hall and rushed into the room. “Get off her, Randall. It’s over.”

“My own grandmother,” he shouted, still holding the pillow over Lillian’s face. “My own grandmother would rather I fail than give me the money I need.”

I dug my hard, sharp fingernails into Randall’s closest forearm and pulled.

“Get off me, bitch,” he said, jerking his arm away.

I glanced around for something to use as a weapon. He was going to kill Lillian if I didn’t do something and fast. My gaze landed on a vase of roses. I snatched up the vase, lifted it over my head—pouring water down my back in the process—and hit Randall’s head with all my might. The vase shattered. Large chunks of glass fell to the floor, along with Randall.

He dropped to his knees, the motion pulling the pillow off Lillian’s face. Blood dripped down both sides of his face.

“You stupid, stupid bitch,” he snarled as he struggled to stand. “I’m going to fucking rip your head off your body.” He reached for me, murderous hatred in his eyes.

A loud blast tore through the open doorway. Randall flew backward, landing in the room’s recliner. Blood poured from his chest. His mouth gaped open, moving like a fish out of water. And then, he stopped breathing.

I rushed over to Lillian. “Lillian, are you okay? Can you speak?”

Lillian was drawing in deep gasps of air. “I’m okay,” she squeaked out. “Are you okay?”
