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“Isn’t he a sweetie?” Sandy waved over the railing. “Hi, honey! Thanks for the champagne.” She blew him a kiss and said, “Big reward later.”

The rest of us chuckled because we all knew exactly what his big reward was going to be, and if the grin on his face was any indication, he did too.

Our ten flutes were filled with champagne.

“Happy Birthday to the bestest triplets I know,” Sandy said, lifting her glass in the air.

Do the math. Three bottles of champagne divided by ten very thirsty ladies would leave how much in the bottles? That’s right. We went through those bottles lightning quick.

“I think we should order more champagne,” Claudia whispered to me.

“Duh,” I said with a roll of my eyes. “Do it.”

Before we could order, loud stomps on the stairs forecast the arrival of the guys from downstairs, led by Sandy’s boyfriend.

“Hello, ladies,” Rick, Sandy’s boyfriend, said. “Can we join you?”

I glanced around the table and didn’t see much opposition.

“And we brought champagne,” one of the guys told us and each of the ten guys held up a bottle of champagne.

“Well, in that case, come on,” I said.

Chairs began to shift around, and a sexy hunk pulled up a chair up between me and Claudia, but I noticed immediately his attention was on me.

He blasted me a laser-hot smile. “Hey gorgeous. I’m Zack Noles.”

Right, like I wouldn’t know the team quarterback and well-known playboy on campus.

I returned his smile. “Hello, Zack. I’m Andrea Carmichael, but my friends call me Andi.”

He took my hand and kissed my fingers. “Then I’ll call you Andi since I want to be a very close friend.”

Impossible as it may seem, he scooted his chair even closer to me; close enough his denim-cover thigh rested against mine. Heat radiated from him while his scent—soap and a spicy cologne—wrapped around me.

“I’ve seen you around campus,” he continued.

“Really? And you never spoke.”

“I know when someone is out of my league, and honey, you are out of every guy’s league.”

I tossed my hair over my shoulder with a laugh. “That’s a little exaggerated, don’t you think? Besides, whenever I’ve seen you around campus, there was always a girl or two hanging onto you. So don’t give me your fake, insecure ego, Zack. You have no problem with confidence.”

He chuckled. “So, you think I have an ego?”

“How could you not? Nobody can be a potential first-round draft pick and not have an ego.”

“First-round draft pick? You think so?”

I nodded and added, “Unless you screw up something between now and then, and I believe you’re smarter than that.”

Our conversation meandered for the next hour or so. I enjoyed talking to Zack. He was smart with a wicked sense of humor.

Conversations flowed around us, but we stayed in our own little pocket and didn’t engage with anyone else. But then I became aware of movement and realized the party was breaking up. It’d been fun, but honestly, I was tired. I’d put in some late nights this week. Plus, the plane would be here for Claudia, Brooke, and me at ten, and I still had packing to do.

Zack stood when I stood. “Thank you, Zack. You made an enjoyable night even more so.”

“When do you leave for home?”
