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I scooted over. “A little,” I lied.

He started the engine, and turned up the heat. Then he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me snug against him. “Maybe this will help.”

I was going to go up into flames. “What did you want to tell me?”

“We’re almost at my house.”

I gulped down my nerves, which wasn’t easy around the lust lump.

He pulled into the drive of a small house in a residential neighborhood. I glanced around.

“Not where I expected you’d live.”

He smiled. “Why’s that?”

I shrugged. “No wild parties. No half-naked girls on the lawn.”

This time, he laughed. “Sounds like my first couple of years here, but those days are behind me.” He opened his door and slid from the truck. He held out his hand to help me exit the same door then locked up the truck and put his arm around my shoulders. “Not that I didn’t have fun, because I did, but there came a time when I decided that, if I wanted my NFL dream, I needed to work for it. So, it was out with the parties and in with the studying and workouts.”

“You live alone?”

He shook his head. “No. Gunter, our center, lives here too.”

I hesitated, pulling him to a stop.

“He isn’t here,” Zack said. “He leaves every weekend and drives home to see his girlfriend there.”

I followed him inside his house to the living room.


I shook my head.

“I’m going to grab a beer. You sure?”

I shrugged. “I guess you can bring me one too.”

I sat on his couch. A moment later, he dropped on the cushion next to me and handed me a beer. Then he put his arm around me and pulled me snugly against him. We both took a sip of beers, then he set his beer on the table, took mine and set it beside his. Then he turned my face toward him. What started as a light kiss quickly evolved into a deeper kiss with tongues twisting together and me sitting in his lap. I sucked on his bottom lip, pulling it into my mouth which elicited a deep groan from him. Our makeup session continued with quickening breaths, hands making tentative touches, and an extremely rigid cock growing under my ass.

“I have a confession,” he said against my mouth.

I pulled back. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

“I’ve had a thing for you since we met at the freshman orientation.”

I frowned. “What? I…I’m sorry. I don’t remember that.”

With a chuckle, he hugged me tighter. “I see I didn’t make the impression on you that you made on me. We had Freshman English together too?”

I knew my eyes were bugging out. “You’re kidding me, aren’t you?”

“Nope. Some guy swept in on you at that orientation mixer and you stayed with him the rest of the night.”

“Ah, Henry.”

“Yeah, damn Henry.”

I laughed. “We broke up regularly. Why didn’t you ask me out?”
