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Aware of the internal struggle she was battling, she reluctantly shook her head, attempting to dispel the thoughts threatening to consume her. "Let's not talk about that, okay?" she pleaded, her voice pleading and a touch unsettled.

But there was no escaping the magnetic pull that drew us together. And I wasn't about to let her brush it aside so easily. Not when the undeniable spark between us crackled with intensity, begging to be explored.

"You started it!" I declared, a playful smirk on my face. "But I must admit, it's a temptation that's hard to resist, Skye." The words tumbled out of my mouth, their impact slowly sinking into her ears. A soft blush tinged her cheeks, betraying the emotions she tried so hard to conceal. It was clear to me that my words had touched a nerve, that she cared more than she let on.

But instead of acknowledging the effect I had on her, she tried to redirect the conversation to the original topic at hand. Her voice trembled slightly, a giveaway that my earlier words had rocked her world. Taking a rushed breath, she continued, "Let's focus on what we were discussing in the first place. I just want you to understand how hurtful it is when others gossip about me."

"So you're insecure about what they say?" I probed gently, genuinely curious about her feelings.

Her response was hesitant but honest. "Perhaps...yes, I am."

"Don't let their words define you," I urged, the weight of my concern evident in my tone.

"But I do, Dax. I do. I've lost my closest friend, and now I'm nothing more than a joke in school. I just want to disappear, to fade into the background," she revealed, her words oozing with anguish.

Instinctively, I seized her chin, my fingers grazing her skin as she let out a soft "ow" in response.

"Don't say that," I implored, my voice filled with urgency.

"Don't take me and my seemingly charmed existence as the epitome of fortune. It's far from perfect. In fact, it can be dreadfully dull, and there are times I despise it. That's why I always infuse a sense of joy into my life," I admitted, revealing a glimpse of my own vulnerabilities, though I knew I had to remain cautious and concise.

"Joy?" she exclaimed incredulously.


"Easy for you to say... You have the entire school rallying behind you," she retorted.

"That's because I enjoy manipulating their perception and controlling their view of reality. You, Skye, are an enigma. Beneath that façade of niceness lies an incredible heart," I revealed, surprised by my sudden outpouring. Skye seemed equally taken aback, our connection deepening as our eyes met.

Her voice trembled with uncertainty as she responded, "You truly caught me off guard, Dax."

I raised an eyebrow, seeking clarification. "What do you mean?"

"That's just it," she confessed. "Your words felt so genuine... they almost convinced me."

My lips curved into a confident smirk. "Because they are genuine. Whether you choose to believe me or not, every word I've spoken about you holds sincere meaning."

A flicker of something called hope danced in Skye's eyes, but she quickly averted her gaze. Her next question caught me off guard, revealing a partial detachment from our conversation. "So, does that mean you'll leave me alone?"

I chuckled, amused by her lack of attention. "No, my dear. It means I won't stop pursuing you, even if it involves playful teasing," I stated, playfully pinching her chin. "I'll catch you after class!" I whispered, releasing my grip and tenderly caressing her skin before exiting the music classroom. It was a calculated move, granting her ample time to ponder the sincerity of my words, or at least, what I believed to be sincere.

Chapter Eleven


Dear readers,

Dax was right. Our history class is undoubtedly one of the most mind-numbing experiences I've ever had. It seems that the entire class is engulfed in a sea of yawning and heavy eyes.

The sleep demons are slowly creeping up on me, threatening to pull me into their grasp. In a valiant effort to stay awake, I've resorted to taking refuge in my journal. It's my way of not only proving to Mrs. Williams, our history teacher, that I am, in fact, fully engaged, but also preventing myself from scribbling down meaningless doodles.

Truth be told, history has never been my cup of tea. It's not that I despise the subject per se, but rather the dry and monotonous way Mrs. Williams delivers the material. She always seems to go off on tangents, regaling us with long-winded personal anecdotes that hold no interest for anyone but her. I don't mean to sound impolite, but it's the truth.

Nevertheless, despite my disdain for the class, I'm well aware that I have a responsibility to tackle it head-on. After all, history is an unavoidable requirement at Rosedale Academy. It's frustrating that we can't escape the clutches of subjects we simply don't connect with, as they always manage to rear their ugly heads.

I shut my journal firmly, placing my pen delicately on top of my desk, as if sealing the frustrations within its pages. It's in this moment that I catch Dax's piercing gaze.

He's sitting two seats behind me, slightly to the left. His attention has been locked onto me with an intensity that both captivates and unnerves me.
