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"Step-fucking-mother!" Dax responded, his voice dripping with his usual rude and condescending tone, his teeth clenched tightly together.

My anger surged, fueled by his arrogance. "You know what, Dax? This is one of the countless reasons why I despise you!" I shouted, my initial innocence transforming into a fierce determination. My voice quivered slightly, betraying the hurt hidden beneath my words. "I don't even understand why I allowed myself to fall for someone like you. A man of your caliber does not deserve a woman like me."

The sentiment hung in the air between us, weighted with the truth. As I studied Dax's face, I couldn't help but despise the way my heart betrayed me. It had the audacity to quicken whenever he touched me, said my name, or exerted his dominance over me. I loathed how foolishly I had confessed my love to him, fully aware that he would inevitably shatter my vulnerable heart time and time again.

I have conflicting emotions when it comes to Dax - a mixture of love and hatred fills my heart. It's a bewildering state of mind, especially when dealing with matters of the heart.

My patience with him had reached its limit, and I found myself on the brink of walking away, granting his previous request to become strangers. In truth, that's what I truly desired - to be strangers with him. However, I took a leap of faith and revealed my feelings, only to uncover the truth and the potential consequences that lay ahead. Now, I'm left with the overwhelming desire to return home, harboring eternal resentment towards my mother. I find solace in crying into my pillow, drowning out the pain with music, and tearing apart the stories I once daydreamed about. I shed tear after tear, while ultimately placing blame on fate for placing me in this unimaginable situation.

I could easily attribute my impending heartbreak to fate once my mother gets married in six months, for my life is about to undergo a drastic transformation.

However, I've decided to twist the narrative - to create my own story within this turmoil. If I am aware that my heart is destined to break within this timeframe, why not grant myself something to hold onto in the meanwhile? Why not find something that brings a smile to my face?

Against all odds, I did something seemingly unimaginable to you, dear readers, but it meant the world to me.

It became a glimmer of hope in my heart, marking both the beginning and the end of the concluding chapter of my tale. The first chapter shall be titled "Once Upon a Kiss, My Kiss," and the last chapter shall bear the same name - "They Ended with a Kiss, My Kiss once again!" Can you fathom what transpired?

I kissed Dax.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Bonus chapter.

As much as I yearned to release the facade and reciprocate Skye's kiss, a surge of restraint held me back. Resisting this temptation, the one I presently found myself entangled in with Skye, was no easy feat.

My heart, saturated with animosity, despised not only those around me but also the very essence of my own being. Like a defenseless target, I realized the power that a single truth possessed, capable of breaking a person into irreparable fragments. And unfortunately, that someone happened to be with me.

Skye's lips unexpectedly pressed against mine, stealing away my breath in an instant. Deep down, I genuinely cherished Skye and had always longed to claim her as my own, albeit in roundabout ways. My mind had meticulously crafted a strategy to make Skye mine, yet the fucking truth shattered it all to pieces.

But Skye, adept at hiding her anguish behind her delicate countenance, skillfully masked her pain.

Witnessing her feigned innocence, her playful teasing as she tantalizingly brushed her lips against mine, only heightened the possessive, dangerous, and ravenous desires imprisoned within my mind.

What I yearned to do to her now was far from anything she had ever fathomed or desired.

The press of her tongue against the mask sent a tremor through me. Skye, ever the porcelain doll, was chipping away at my carefully constructed walls, brick by painted brick. A whisper of cinnamon, her usual cherry lip balm replaced by something illicit, teased my nostrils. This wasn't the shy, untouched Skye I knew. This was a hungry predator, her tongue a flame dancing across the fabric that concealed my face.

I'd scoffed at the whispers about her purity, chalked them up to boarding school whispers and envious stares. But now, the evidence was undeniable. Her tongue, a secret weapon, played a devil's waltz against my lips, each brush a dare, a promise whispered against the mask.

Heat roared through me, a wildfire licking at the tinder of emotions I'd kept buried for years. This was forbidden fruit, a taste of something I shouldn't crave. Yet, the yearning, a raw and primal thing, clawed at my insides. I wanted to rip away the mask, taste the forbidden fruit, let the juices stain my lips and my soul.

But then, reality crashed in like a rogue wave, dragging me under its icy grip. Skye wasn't just a forbidden fruit; she was my soon-to-be stepsister, the girl I'd tormented and teased, the one whose tears I'd never truly regretted. The delicious ache in my mouth turned to ash in my throat. My heart, a caged bird, hammered against my ribs, trapped in this gilded cage of family and obligation.

The pleasure, once electrifying, turned to a bitter pill. With a strangled groan, I pulled away, the mask a shield against her touch and the twisted reality that held me captive. The taste of cinnamon lingered, a cruel reminder of the forbidden fruit I could never truly grasp.

But Skye wouldn't give up. She pressed forward, determined to meet my gaze eye to eye despite the difference in our heights.

"Skye, stop," I snapped, my grip on her shoulder tightening as I pulled her back. I made sure she couldn't make another attempt at reaching my masked lips.

Her words hit me like a tidal wave, stirring up memories of the relentless torment I had subjected her to. "You know, Dax, I still remember how you, out of all the maddening bad boys I despised, tried to lure me in for a kiss," Skye said, her voice laced with accusation. "And yet now, here you are, instantly shutting down the idea. Why?" she challenged, her eyes burning into mine.

"That was a different time, Skye. A time when I found pleasure in tormenting you," I replied, my voice tinged with regret. "You can't compare then to now. It just doesn't work like that anymore," I tried to explain.

Skye scoffed, her laughter irritating me to no end. "Do you think I'm joking, Skye?" I demanded, growing more and more frustrated by her dismissive attitude.

"The Dax I used to know loved to joke around, so it's hard for me to take you seriously," Skye retorted, her breaths heavy as she formed an "O" shape with her lips. "Even though I despised you with every fiber of my being, I secretly harbored feelings for you, Dax."
