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The silence stretched on, thick with tension and unspoken words. His touch lingered on my skin, a searing brand that imprinted itself onto my memory. Each passing second felt like an eternity, the weight of Tresa's trust and the allure of Dax's forbidden embrace battling for dominance within me.

"Dax, stop!" my voice cracked, a fragile plea amidst the throbbing bass and swirling lights.

All eyes were on us, the hushed whispers forming a suffocating cloud around our entangled forms.

The intensity of their gazes felt like a thousand needles pricking my skin, not with love, but with suspicion. It was as if they were watching a forbidden scene unfold, judging our every move with a keen eye.

The weight of the entire school observing us intensified my unease, making me feel like a specimen under a microscope.

Dax, however, remained unfazed. He was a seasoned player in this game, his composure unwavering despite the scrutiny. His eyes held a flicker of amusement, as if he was basking in the attention, a stark contrast to my own discomfort. I, still innocent to the world's cruel whispers and judgments, felt exposed and vulnerable under his gaze.

Panic gnawed at my insides as Dax's grip tightened on my hand, his strength a stark contrast to my own. My efforts to pull free were futile, trapped within the circle of his touch. Yet, a strange sensation danced in my chest as his face loomed close, his eyes burning into mine. The lingering scent of champagne hung heavy in the air, clouding my judgment and stirring a restless energy within me. It was unbearable.

Denying his undeniable attractiveness was impossible. But in this moment, such thoughts were unwelcome guests in my mind. I refused to surrender to the confusing emotions that fluttered in my chest like trapped birds. The uncertainty gnawed at me, his intentions shrouded in a veil of ambiguity, leaving me to grapple with the turmoil within. Was this a genuine gesture or a cruel game? The answer, like his intentions, remained elusive, adding fuel to the fire of my inner conflict.

"No," he defied me, his touch a smoldering brand against my cheek. My pulse throbbed, impossible to discern whether it was the impending confrontation with Tresa or the effect Dax himself was having on me. Then, the words tumbled out, igniting a spark in my chest. "Skye... I like you."

Before I could fully grasp the enormity of his confession, his lips were on mine, a torrent of unexpected need crashing against my defenses. My breath caught in my throat, stolen by the sheer force of his kiss. It was a collision, raw and consuming, leaving me breathless and reeling.

His admission hung heavy in the air, an echo against the pulsing bass of the club. My mind raced, a tangled mess of confusion and desire. This was forbidden territory, a betrayal of Tresa's trust, yet the undeniable pull towards Dax was like a riptide dragging me under.

His touch lingered, a whisper against my skin, before he pulled away, leaving a smoldering imprint of his desire on my lips. In that moment, the world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of conflicting emotions.

Guilt gnawed at me, warring with the undeniable truth that Dax's kiss had ignited something within me, a spark that refused to be extinguished.

Chapter Two


Pulling away from the kiss was like yanking myself from a feverish dream. My hands trembled as they fell from his, landing on the sticky vinyl of the booth. Tresa's wide eyes, reflecting a cocktail of confusion and betrayal, left me reeling. She didn't scream, didn't lash out. Just a stunned silence, a question hanging heavy in the air before she bolted.

I watched her disappear through the club doors, the intrigued stares of onlookers following her like hungry wolves. Dax, the architect of this chaos, slid his phone back into his pocket, a smirk slithering across his face. The satisfaction in his eyes was a barb I could almost taste.

"Tresa, wait!" I yelled, my voice a desperate plea swallowed by the thrumming music. I had to explain. I had to mend the shattered trust in her eyes, those same eyes that now glistened with unshed tears.

Catching up to her outside, I found her shoulders shaking, her nose pink and shiny. "Tell me what I saw wasn't real," she pleaded, her voice thick with emotion. "Tell me it was just the tequila playing tricks on my mind."

Words clogged my throat. The truth, a tangled mess of panic and uncertainty, refused to form. But before I could speak, she cut me off, her voice a whisper laced with suspicion. "So, it's true then?"

My stomach twisted. "No, Tresa," I said, my voice firm despite the tremor in my heart. "I didn't kiss him. It was him, the audacity of it."

Her gaze, sharp as a shard of glass, pierced through my explanation. "And why didn't you stop him?" she asked, each word a fresh sting.

The question hung in the air, a bitter accusation. Why hadn't I pushed him away? The truth was a tangled knot of fear and something else, something I couldn't quite grasp. But one thing was clear: the ground beneath me had shifted, Dax's kiss a seismic tremor that had fractured the foundation of our friendship.

And as I looked into her hurt, questioning eyes, I knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy. The game had changed, and the pieces on the board were no longer mine to control.

Guilt gnawed at my insides, a churning pit where words wouldn't form. "Tresa, I…" The apology choked in my throat.

"But you didn't," she spat, her voice an icy torrent. "And somewhere, in the haze of that club, you reveled in it, didn't you?"

My stomach lurched. "Ew, gross! Why would you even think that?" The memory of Dax's lips, slimy and unwelcome, made me shudder.

"You knew this would happen," she pressed on, her eyes narrowed like flint. "You talked to him, after all." My explanations, flimsy tissues against her rising tide of doubt, were dismissed with a flick of her hand.

"How could I know a conversation would turn into this?" I shot back, frustration burning in my throat.

"You knew!" she accused, a mantra echoing in the night air.

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