Page 20 of Fire Wolf

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That was all the permission I needed to claim her lips beneath mine. Finally, I had this woman’s mouth on mine, and I kissed her with all the pent up passion I’d been feeling since I laid eyes on her again yesterday evening. I growled, swallowing her soft whimpers and moans, and put all of my energy into our kiss. She tasted better than I imagined, and, oh, I had imagined plenty.

To me, kissing was better than sex. I realized that made me an oddity among men. But this act meant more. It was more intimate than fucking. Sexier than head. And her mouth was the best fucking thing I had ever felt working in tandem with mine. We were good at this. At kissing each other, and I felt elated. Like I’d been waiting my whole life for this woman, and I supposed I had been.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The word was on repeat as I kissed her harder, forcing her head back and plundering her mouth with my tongue like a man on a mission. And I was. She was my mission. My reason. Being with her was everything to me.

Some part of me was aware we were sitting in my parked truck outside a movie theater, fogging up the windows of my truck, but another part of me did not give a single fuck. Her mouth was hot and delicious, and she was kissing me back. Me. Mitchell Truman. A guy who worked in construction. Not a fancy pants lawyer or doctor. Just me with my calloused hands and my rough manners.

Were we a good match? I would bet my fucking life on it. Yeah, she was brilliant and beautiful, but she was more than that. She had a monster inside her, too. Right then, I could feel her Wolf moving inside her, rising up to meet me and my beast. Contrary to the always shivering Martina, her animal radiated heat, and it rivaled mine.

“Mitchell,” she moaned my name and my cock pounded against my jeans.

I wanted her so damn bad. Needed her. I placed sloppy wet, biting kisses along her jaw and down her throat, tugging on the neckline of her sweater to get better access to her silky soft skin. My soul burned for her, and so did my body. Following an instinct, I’d never felt before, I growled a low deep, possessive sound, my hands roaming her body with a possessiveness I couldn’t control. I wanted to devour her, time and place be damned.

The inside of the truck was like a fucking sauna, and I thanked God I had parked in the furthest corner of the now empty lot. While everyone else had driven away after the movie, I’d been busy fucking up our night. But now we’d moved past that, and kissing and making up was definitely the best part of the whole evening.

I pulled the lever on the side of the seat, pushing it back so I could pull Martina onto my lap. She climbed right on, straddling my hips, and the sound of her skirt tearing was loud. Neither of us cared enough to stop our lusty explorations, and I made a silent promise to buy her a new one.

Her sharp fingernails clawed at my shoulders, and I hissed, finding her panties with my hands. I growled deep and rough once my hands were on her ass, and fuck my cock grew even harder.

“You have such a perfect ass, Martina. I wanna bite it,” I growled, squeezing her ripe globes. I raised my hand and slapped her left cheek, holding her in place with my mouth on her neck.

“Next time you look in the mirror and see my handprint, you’re gonna remember this, sweetheart,” I told her.

I wasn’t sure if I went too far, but she pressed her fiery core against me, and moaned sweetly, and I knew she liked it. A little pain mixed in with pleasure wasn’t unusual for creatures like us, but I shut down that thought as soon as I had it. There was no room for jealousy here. No room for anything but pleasure, but thinking about Martina with another man was liable to make my beast homicidal, so no. I was not going there.

Martina grabbed my face and pressed her mouth to mine, and I was so fucking turned on by her show of aggression precum leaked from my slit. Between that and the way she was soaking through my jeans, I was going to be a fucking mess when I went home. Thank fuck I’d moved out of my parents’ house years ago.

“Need, fuck, Mitch, I need,” she growled, grinding her sweet pussy against me, and my response was immediate.

I mean, I nearly lost my mind. Sliding her lacy panties to the side, I cupped her sex, loving the rumbling growl that spilled from her lips.

“So wet for me, sweetheart,” I growled.

Good girl. Very good girl.

Her pussy was hot and soaked and so fucking tight, I didn’t think I could even get two fingers inside her, but I needed to. If I wanted even the chance of fucking her without hurting her, I needed my little Wolf primed and ready.

Waves of pleasure flooded my senses as I began pumping my fingers in and out of her slit. Martina moaned, holding on to me like her life depended on it. Hell, I felt like mine did, too. I circled her clit with my thumb, curling my fingers inside her channel till I found the right spot and angle.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Fuck my hand. Let me see you come.”

Martina moaned, gasping now, hot tears trailing down her cheeks. She started to quiver and tremble, but this time I knew it had nothing to do with the cold outside. Hell. She was on fire for me. Wait. Fuck. She was on fire!

“Martina!” I shouted as flames erupted over her body.

Pained eyes met mine, and she shoved the door open, stumbling out into the cold. Before I could even comprehend what was going on, much less move, Martina’s enormous midnight black Wolf ripped through her skin. The beast darted one glance my way, her purple eyes glowing before she lifted her lupine face towards the sky and loosed a mournful howl before taking off at breakneck speeds.

What. The. Fuck.

I sat there speechless with my dick literally in my hand. One minute, we were making out like a couple of love struck teenagers, and the next, poof. She was gone. By the time I came to my senses, it was too late to go after her. A security officer had already driven by, asking me for my license and registration.

I was already zipped up and had the remnants of her clothes all tucked away in the trunk by the time he’d stopped his car. But that didn’t stop the wanker from wasting a good fifteen minutes of my time.

“Alright, you have a good night now, son.”

“Thanks,” I growled at the rent-a-cop.
