Page 5 of Fire Wolf

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“I know where Harbor House is,” I replied easily, wanting her to be comfortable with me.

“Oh. I guess Davian told you where to bring me?” she asked.

“Your brother sent me, didn’t he?”

“Yeah. About that, um, thank you.”

“My pleasure.” It really was. She just had no idea.

Her warm cinnamon scent filled the cabin of my truck and my Wolf practically fucking purred at how delicious and tempting she smelled. Animal instincts were harder to control on full moon nights, and wouldn’t you know it? It was a full moon tonight.

The Wolf Moon, actually. Which was kind of a joke around town, seeing as how most of the Macconwood Pack, especially members my age, had grown up playing the online game of the same name created by one of our very own. WolfMoon was still going strong, had its own fandom and everything.

“By the way, happy birthday,” I said, needing to fill the silence before I did something stupid, like reach for her.

“How did you know it’s my birthday?” she asked and turned her luminous violet eyes on me.

Fuck. They were beautiful. More purple than blue. There was something different about those eyes. Special. But maybe that was her Wolf. I knew mine turned gold when my beast was near to the surface, otherwise they were just a muddy hazel color. Nothing like hers.

“One, I was invited to your party?—”

“Why? We aren’t friends. You don’t even know me.”

“I would know you anywhere, Martina Harbor,” I said, and my voice was rough with my Wolf.

She narrowed her eyes, arms crossed across her chest, and damn, but she was cute when she got fired up. My Wolf studied her while I concentrated on driving. Sure, my reflexes were supernaturally enhanced, but January meant ice-slick roads and there were plenty of humans driving two-ton death machines who didn’t have my senses.

Steady does it.

“I’m sure Davian put you up to this, but I am not in the market for some pity date, got it?” she growled and this time, she’d shocked me.

“Pity date? I’ll have you know I am a very well sought after bachelor in Maccon City,” I told her.

“Oh, I bet, Mr. Truman.”

“First of all, gross. Mr. Truman is my dad. I’m only like three years older than you. My name is Mitch?—”

“I know,” she said softly, turning her head towards the window.

But it was too late. I already saw it. A grin was peeking out at the corner of her mouth, and she’d averted her face to hide it. The woman was teasing me. And there went my interest, skyrocketing up a few more notches, as if it needed it. She was intriguing.

Fiery little badass.

“We went to school together, didn’t we?”

“You remember that?”

“Yes, I remember that. Damn, woman. I wasn’t just a dumb jock back then. Besides, the Harbor sisters were the prettiest girls in town when we were in high school. Not that you grew up too bad,” I added.

“Well, gee, thanks. I’m speechless,” she replied, and rolled her eyes.

But her scent told another story. She was nervous, And maybe a little interested. I took the exit and drove slowly, trying to drag out this bit of time we had together. I was becoming more enamored with the woman with every second that passed. It wasn’t unnatural for me to want to prolong this first reunion.

Score one point for Mitch Truman.

“Seriously though, weren’t you a senior when we were freshman?”

“Junior, actually, and your sister was in my AP Calculus class that year. She got top marks, if I recall correctly. Made me feel a little dumb to be honest,” I told her.
