Page 13 of Ruffled Feathers

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Laney found herself an older gentleman to pass the time with. I see them every morning on her front porch, rocking and sipping tea together. She’s finally slowed down at the coffee shop, only working a few hours a day now.

Pulling up next to the picturesque lake a rush of déjà vu hits. Marcus is walking out of the cabin the exact same way he did a year ago, except there’s even more love and adoration in his expression.

Jumping from my car, I dash toward him this time, wrapping my legs around his waist as he twirls us, and kiss him harder than I ever have before.

“This seems very familiar, Mr. Aakster,” I mumble as our lips part.

“There’s one thing that’s different though,” he says as he puts me down, but continues to go down himself until he’s on one knee.

“Wait a second, we said no surprises this year!” I say as he pulls a ring from his back pocket.

It’s a square cut, beautiful green diamond set on a plain white gold band. The green reminds me of his beautiful feathers and makes my heart swell with pride to be with both of them.

Taking my hand in his, he says, “Avery, I’ve waited years for this. Since the moment we saw you, we both knew you were our everything. We promise to take care of you for the rest of our lives. Hell, beyond that even. We love you, always remember that. Will you marry us?”

I love them both in two very different ways.

Bird—it turns out he quite liked that ridiculous name—is a life companion I didn’t know I needed. He cheers me up, making sure I’m content when he’s near. Days spent at local parks with him are some of my favorites.

And Marcus is my rock, the one who keeps me balanced. The person who makes me feel complete and sexy and cherished.

We love each other, and we always remember it.
