Page 116 of Something like Love

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Quinn sprints back to the window, watching and waiting to see what happens next.

I creep up behind him, hoping the lace curtain provides us with some covering against whoever stands on the other side. The car is still idling, and I cross my fingers that it’s just a lost traveler.

But I think our day has finally arrived.

When the engine switches off, I know that whoever is in that car is here to stay.

“Shit,” I curse as I reach for the gun in the waistband of my jeans and pull back the hammer.

“You’re not going out there,” Quinn reiterates, his eyes never leaving the scene before him.

“Don’t you get it? I have to go out there. There is no other choice. When I woke up this morning, I told myself that it was a brand-new day, and this is fate’s way of telling me that this, right here, this is my day. This is my day of reckoning and redemption. Don’t take it away from me.

“You have no right to.”

“It’s too dangerous,” he simply replies, but thankfully, he turns, meeting my pleading eyes. “If anything happens to you, Mia, I would never forgive myself.”

I know how dire our circumstances must be because he used my name, something which he only does when things are fucking serious. Like right now.

“It’s Abi!” Tristan suddenly says, breaking Quinn’s and my stare-off.

“What?” I gasp. Quinn and I spin toward the window and see what Tristan said is true.

Standing before us on the green, lush grass is my best friend, and she’s never looked so beautiful. Her long red hair is braided to one side, and she looks exactly how I remember her looking—like a fucking angel.

“What’s she doing here?” I ask breathlessly, my eyes never wavering from her form.

“I don’t know.”

“What’s the matter with her?” Tristan suddenly asks, and I turn toward him, confused.

“Why is she just standing there?” he explains, nodding his head toward the window.

“She’s scared,” I say, dread forming in the pit of my stomach.

“Yeah, but why?” Tristan questions, concern apparent in his soft tone.

Tabitha looks absolutely terrified, and although she’s yards away, I can still see the apprehensive look marring her usual happy, bright face.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” I place my gun on the dresser, about to go meet my friend.

“Stop, Red,” Quinn stresses, latching onto my bicep.

“What? Why? What’s the matter with you?” I beseech, pulling out of his grip. “It’s Abi down there!”

As I watch Quinn’s face fall and turn an ashen white, I know something is wrong. Something is horribly wrong.

“She’s not alone,” Quinn chokes out, and I don’t understand what he means until I spin around and see Lucifer himself step out of the van, the early morning light gleaming off his bald head.

The air gets sucked from my lungs, and I almost collapse because this is surely a dream. But the moment Phil smugly waves to us, I know this is all too fucking real.

I knew this day would come, but I never anticipated Abi would be here when it did.

“I’ve gotta go down there!” I scream, lunging for my gun, tears blurring my vision. “She’s scared, and she’s alone with them.”

“No, Red, wait,” Quinn says, quickly standing in the way.

“Move out of my way.”

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