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Je suis désolé. Réessayez en français, s’il vous plaît.

That one, I know. Fucking know-it-all.


Je n’ai aucune idée!



A frustrated growl escapes my throat and catches the attention of Maria in the passenger seat. She turns around. “You okay?”


She snorts, turning back to the front. “It’s only Case,” she explains to Camilla as if I’m not there. “They decided they were going to learn French together.”

Camilla arches a brow in the rearview mirror. “Really?”

“Kinda,” I grumble. “Except Case sees it as an excuse to send me dirty jokes in French.”

Camilla’s eyes widen, and I rush to clarify. “Not like that.”

“Oh,exactlylike that,” Maria says.

“No!” I say, sitting up straighter and ignoring the buzzing of Case’s return text. “You’re acting like it’s flirty or something, and it’s definitely not. It’s annoying and purely a friend thing.”

“Sure. I wish Pax paid half as much attention to me as Case Michaels spends on you. Come on, Winnie. Youfascinate him.”

I roll my eyes. “First of all, Pax is on you like white on rice. It’s adorable how that boy follows you around. Tell me he didn’t offer to oil your saddle yesterday afternoon and it wasn’t even a euphemism.”

“It needed it.” Maria pretends to pout.

“And second of all,” I continue, undeterred, “I work on his family’s ranch. He helps out with Garrett and Jesse. So of course he pays attention to me.That’s what friends do.Friends also recognize when their friend has a recent history of being a fuckboy and they know better than to get their boundaries crossed.”

“Is that what the kids are calling it? Crossing boundaries?” Camilla says with a painted smirk.

My phone buzzes again, and I choose to ignore my present company.


(Okay, you give up?)


Je te veux en moi.



Oof. That’s unfortunately cute. A dirty joke about a toaster. Who knew?


Oh mon Dieu.
