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He doesn’t bullshit me. That’s something I’ve learned about Case. His first instinct is to make some self-deprecating, sarcastic remark. Which, hey, sounds like me! But we won’t do that with each other anymore. Not when it counts.

No flinching.

He exhales, pulling his arm away from my shoulders and clasping his own hands together in his lap.

“Physically, yes. I’m readier than I’ve ever been. Mentally, I’m almost there. Emotionally, I’m fucked.”

“That good, huh?”

He chuckles low. “I won’t puke, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Brothers who ride together, puke together,” I remind him quietly. For a split second, his pained eyes drill into mine, but then he blinks and nods, releasing a long breath.

“Good point. This might be like ripping off a Band-Aid, ya know? Like once I get the first ride over with, I’ll be all right.”

“That makes sense. Same here.”

“He’d be over the moon you’re doing this,” he says, breaking the tension that’s settled around us.

“He probably would, wouldn’t he? I don’t think I ever told him about my racing ambitions. I never said them out loud to anyone before you. But he would have appreciated the reckless life choice, I think.”

“A hundred percent,” Case agrees. “Reckless life choices were his specialty. And the wardrobe improvements,” he adds with a smirk, looking me up and down in an exaggeratedly lascivious way. “He would have dug that, too. There ain’t a pair of flame-painted chaps he didn’t love. But,” he concedes, “we can work up to the flames. For now, let’s just say rodeo suits you, Win.”

My face burns, but I let him look his fill because the truth is, I picked this getup with him in mind. The problem is, I friend-zoned myself because I’ve been completely freaked out about my family, but since then, things have settled down. Jesse’s finishing out the school year, strong, and Case, Camilla, and even Maria take turns watching Garrett at the ranch whenever I need to train.

It’s not perfect and I’m not ready to tour if I ever got to that point, but no one’s died or called CPS yet, so we’ve got that going for us.

And now I’ve gone and completely fallen for this cowboy next to me. Turns out spending almost all my free moments with Case Michaels just makes me like him more. Which is both amazing and awful at the same time.

So when Maria told me I needed to shop for something new and colorful to wear tonight, I decided I was going to try to catch the attention of my closest friend while I was at it.

Trybeing the key word. I’ve never tried to do anything like this in my entire life—never had the time for hooking a crush’s attention.

My boot-cut jeans are snug around the hips and flare over my new boots. My button-down is a bright coral that pulls out the color in my eyes. It’s slim fitting around my waist and, for once, shows off my figure. More than my oversize barn jacket ever did.

Sure, it’s not Prada, but I feel like a shinier version of myself—you’d have thought Iwaswearing a ball gown with the way Case’s eyes bugged out of his head when he picked me up this afternoon.

It was like for the first time, Case might see me as a woman and not the girl he mucks horse manure with.

Lord knows his tucked-in plaid shirt and fitted vest are doing all sorts of tingly things to my insides.

Of course, I’ve known how good-looking he is all along, and it’s impossible not to notice the way his jeans stretch over his muscular thighs and how his shirt spans his wide chest. His attractiveness is not a secret, nor is my reaction to it.

However, the last months of working with each other have made me want to shove him into an empty stable stall and kisshim senseless. It’s not only how he looks anymore. It’s how hecares.

I’m completely gone for him, and I’m very sure he has no clue.


Attractive, considerate, charming, funny, sweetidiot.

Brody and Camilla choose that moment to walk up. Which is for the best. As much as I want to kiss Case, I do have other things to worry about right now. Both of us do.

Less than an hour later, the other barrel racers and I have drawn our racing order. I’m in the waiting pen brushing down Mab, whispering comfort into her ears in the hopes some of it trickles into my own subconscious. The sick feeling in my stomach has been replaced with the itch for the chance to prove my worth. So much is riding on our performance today, and I don’t want to let anyone down. I know it’s my first race, and no one expects perfection. And yet I feel like they’re expecting a miracle.

Jesse and Garrett are here, sitting with Case and his dad. I was reluctant to let Case leave my side. Standing here, surrounded by competitors, is intimidating as all get-out. Everyone seems to already know everyone. They’re all huddled in groups while Mab and I are on our own in our stiff new duds. We stand out like a sore thumb, which, for the record, is my least favorite thing. The fact I want to race so badly I could cry is the only reason I’m here, feeling like the most awkward human on the planet while everyone squeals and chatters around us.

But then I considered my sister, hopped up on rodeo crowds and cotton candy, spewing mathematical theorems or—shudder—family secrets to Mr. Michaels. I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate until I was sure Case was up there running defense.
