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I think about the last few months we’ve spent together. “Yeah, I know.”

“Whatever Christine’s problem is, I have a feeling she doesn’t like seeing you with his last name on the back of your shirt.”

I ignore the way my heart thumps at the implication and shake off my nerves. “Well, that’s too bad. She’s gonna have to get used to seeing my back.”

Maria’s laughter rings out. “Damn straight, Sutton.” She slings up onto Duchess’s back. “Good luck out there. I look forward to seeing your name right under mine.”

It takes a second for her words to register, but before I can respond, Maria and Duchess are already trotting off. I return my attention to Mab, hiding my grin.

“It’s on.”


Soon, I’m astride Mab, waiting for my name to be called over the echoing loudspeakers. Adrenaline courses through my bloodstream, the effect making me nearly dizzy. I have to consciously work to focus. Mab is practically skipping beneath me. I grasp her reins tightly as she jerks and hops within the small square of space of behind-the-fence realty I’ve allowed her.

I know how you feel, girl. Wide-open spaces sound really tempting right about now.I calculate the distance to the exit. Worst case, we make a run for it and never look back.

But for now, the arena will have to do. There are two heats this evening, and the average of all our times, minus any deductions, will give us our final scores in the rankings.

Up until thirty minutes or so ago, I could not care less about my rankings. I wanted to do well and represent the ranch, of course, but I already know as long as I don’t fall off, Mab and I are golden. I just need to not make an ass out of myself and let everyone down—and to be honest, that was enough of a challenge.There’re a lot of curious eyes in the stands, way more than I’ve ever faced in my life.

Then Christine Reynolds showed up like a black fly buzzing around my past. She flipped her perfectly curled hair that I bet she didn’t even have to research to get right and called me a charity case. And now I’m pissed. Even if she’s technically correct.

But I’ve swallowed back my pride over and over the past few months to do this. It’s worth it.

Even if it means Christine’s derision, it’sworth it.

My hands are shaking so badly I can barely hold the reins in my clammy fingers. I inhale through my nose, holding my breath tight inside my lungs. I relax my shoulders and tilt my head side to side, loosening my neck muscles. I wipe my hands down my denim-clad thighs one at a time and recalibrate my grip. Mab’s muscles twitch beneath me, and she shifts her weight impatiently.

“Steady, girl,” I murmur.

My name is finally called over the loudspeakers, but I barely hear it over the loud rush of blood pounding in my ears. I press my knees, giving Mab the slightest nudge. She’s bursting to go, but I hold her back, so we appear to literally dance our way up to the starting alleyway. Mab high-steps like true royalty. Once there, I take one last breath and kick her into gear.

Mab shoots out like a lightning strike, and we’re off to the first barrel. I’m uncharacteristically stiff on her back, adding an extra bounce out of rhythm, and she’s uncharacteristically reluctant, slowing more than necessary before the turn, but still we clear it. The second barrel is a little better. The third catches the toe of my boot, causing the barrel to wobble. Mab does a small jump-skitter away, but my hand shoots out, automatically righting the barrel just as I’ve done in practice without bothering to see if it’s left standing. I click with my tongue and give Mab an extra jab to shift into high gear, but she’s way ahead of me. We’ve caught our groove by now and blessedly move as one unstoppable force across the finish line.

I don’t even look up at the scoreboard. I know it’s not as fast as I wanted, and that’s my fault.Myjitters. That off-stride bounce at the start. My toe catching the barrel. Mab’s skitter. I caught the barrel, thank goodness, because that saved us from a deduction, but I have ground to make up in the second ride.

I lead Mab back to our corner, not making eye contact with anyone else, and dismount. I round to Mab’s front and touch my forehead to hers. Both of us are still working to catch our breaths, though not from exertion. We’ve conditioned for this plenty and could easily complete that course several times over without batting an eyelash, but there’s nothing like the feeling of fire in your bones and electricity in your veins. It’ll change you; it’s already changed me.

Because I can tell after one race, I’m a different person. I know what it feels like to ride the wind and chase the buckle, and I’m pretty sure I can’t ever go back.

(Which is too bad, because I wouldn’t mind turning back the clock to the third barrel so at least then I could have tucked in my boot and avoided the tip.)

After a moment, Mab jerks her head. I raise my eyes to hers, and she gives an impatient flick of her tail as if to say,Get a grip, Winnie.

“Oof,” I say to her in a low voice, scratching my fingertips against her shoulder. “No rest for the human. Give me a quick second to pick my heart up off the ground and recalibrate.”

“That was pretty good, Sutton,” his deep voice drawls frombehind me. “I mean, I’ve seen better, but for your first effort…”

A huff of laughter escapes before I say, “Fuck off, Michaels.”

His large hand wraps around my arm, and he gently tugs me to face him. His expression is determined as his eyes dart back and forth between mine, checking to make sure I’m okay. Always checking. I’ve wondered if maybe it should annoy me that he’s so determined to take care of me, except, well, it doesn’t.

I’ve never had someone check in on me before, so I’m in zero danger of feeling stifled by the attention.

“In all seriousness, you did really well, Win. More than well, even. You two shot out of the gate, and you could hear a pin drop. You’re all anyone can talk about right now. You’re in th—”

I cover his lips with my fingers, and his warm breath tickles against my skin. “Please don’t say. I don’t want to know.”

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