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“Eh, Michaels, it kinda is. I’m not blaming you or anyone else, but it’s not like I’ve been turning down plans over the last six years. The truth is, my little brother has more game than I do.”

“But also less responsibility,” he points out.

I release my breath, conceding. “Also true. At any rate, I like Maria, even if I wish she’d hit the road so I could win for a little while.”

His lips quirk in a half grin, rewarding me with his dimple. “You were so close.”

“Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.”

He laughs. “Fair enough. Maria’s a good friend to have around the circuit. A friendly face from home and all that.”

My good mood slips. “Case, I’m not sure I’m ready to—”

He cuts me off, pretending to button his lip. “I know. I haven’t forgotten. I’m not gonna say another word.”

I make a face and start to remove Mab’s tack for the trailer ride back to the ranch. “But you’ll be thinking it.”

He groans theatrically, throwing back his head. “You can’t hold my thoughts against me, Win. Unless you’re my father. Then I’ll take it like a man or whatever, but between you and me, I’m allowed to think what I want, and if I want to think about you kicking ass across the national circuit and coming home to an ever-loving parade where you get to throw your hundreds of thousands of dollars in winnings in Christine Reynolds’s fake eyelashes, then—” He drops his hands to his sides with a thwap against the well-fitting denim. “Then I get to and you can’t stop me.”

Oof. I want to kiss him sooo badly right now.

“Well,” I say. “That’s okay, I guess. Though I wouldn’t say Christine’s eyelashes are fake.”

Case reaches to pull the heavy saddle from Mab’s back. “Whatever. You aren’t the boss of me.”

We get Mab settled in her stall at the ranch with plenty of extra carrots and sugar cubes for a job well done, and then I head home to get ready for tonight. Case has been to Maria’s before, so he’s going to pick me up at eight and drive us over.

Because it makes sense he drives if he already knows the way. That’sall.

I walk in the door, and Garrett and my dad are sitting on the couch watching some old cowboy movie. Not black-and-white old, but close.

“Did you win?” Garrett asks, bouncing to her feet.

“Second again,” I say. “But I was able to put my winnings down toward owning Mab! I suppose at this point, I own her tail? Maybe her mane?”

Garrett snickers. “Save her lethal chompers for last.”

“If only.”

“What about Case?”

I nod. “He did well. First heat done, with another in two days. He’s definitely in the top three contenders.”

“Can I come and see him on Monday?”

I drop my bag by the door and walk to the sink, filling a glass. “Of course. We can ask Jesse, too. Where is he, by the way?”

My dad answers, his gaze still on the TV screen, “Out with his lady friend.”

I bite my lip. I was hoping Jesse would be around in case my dad flaked on watching Garrett.

“I’ve been invited to a rodeo party tonight, Dad…”

My dad looks away from the TV. “Oh really?”

“Yeah. Do you think it would be okay if I go?”

“Oooh!” my sister says. “Can I help you get ready?”
