Page 87 of Loved Enough

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Smiling, Lily said, “They’ve all worked so hard over the years, running the ranch. I think they’re wanting to spend more time with Grams and Granddad. Especially after Grams’s health scare last June.”

We walked a bit more in silence before Lily broke it. “Dad wantsyouto take on a bigger role, you know. And it has nothing to do with us being together. He was grooming you for it before we started dating.”

I let out a soft chuckle. “I know. I could tell when he started putting me in charge of more and more things. Now that Nathan’s taking an interest, though, I don’t want to step on his toes.”

“You won’t. You and I are going to be doing one side of the business, while Nathan does the training. We both know Dad won’t completely step aside, but I think once Nathan has graduated from high school, he’ll be taking on a bigger role.”

“I think it’s nice your parents aren’t forcing him to go to college.”

“Me too. Josh is the same way, he’s been working this summer for that construction company and loving it. He wants to go on full time after school and learn a trade.”

“Really? I knew he was doing that, but I hadn’t heard he enjoyed it so much.”


“What about bull riding and training the bulls? I thought for sure he’d follow in his dad’s footsteps.”

With a shrug, she said, “We all did. But I think he sees how Bradly’s life is…always gone, on tour. Different place every weekend. He’s hardly ever home. Josh doesn’t want that. He enjoys riding the bulls, but I think he’s grown out of the phase where he wanted to do it for a living.”

“Does that bother your uncle Ty?”

“Not at all. He and Kaylee simply want him to be happy. I don’t see Uncle Ty retiring anytime soon, either. He has enough people working for him, though, that he can take time away. He used to travel on the PBR circuit a lot more than he does now.”

“Why doesn’t he raise the bulls, train them, and then just sell them to other PBR contractors? That way, they take over the care and all the transport, and Ty doesn’t have to worry with that.”

Lily looked my way. “You should talk to him about that at family game night tomorrow.”

I groaned. I’d gotten out of going to the weekly game nights with my ribs and lung as an excuse. Now that I was just about fully healed, I was expected back. “Stella texted me earlier to say she was making me more lemon cheesecake, and it would be all mine.”

Lily’s head flew back as she let out a roar of laughter. “I’m not sure how Blayze and Hunter will feel about that. It’s their favorite as well.”

“They’re going to have to break a rib if they want their own cheesecake.”

We both laughed, then rode in a comfortable silence. Once we got to the spot where we needed to get off and walk the rest of the way, Lily flashed me a concerned look.

“I’m okay, Lil. I promise.”

She nodded as she chewed on her lower lip. I wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. Mindful of my ribs, I’d still increased my physical activity steadily since shortly after the hospital stay. I was more than fine enough to walk up a hill.

Slipping off Tesoro with ease, I flashed her a smile.

Her cheeks blushed slightly, and she jumped down off Juniper. She reached for a small bag and put it over her shoulder as we started the climb up to what was now my favorite spot on the ranch. Tanner and Timberlynn’s place was beautiful, with the lake out front of their log home and a fishing dock that belonged in a magazine. Then the beautiful pastures that went right up to the foothills of the mountains. But the lookout, as Nathan called it, offered the best view of everything.

When we finally reached the top, with me breathing a little harder than I should have, I took a moment to catch my breath.

“Note to self: I need to do way more cardio to build up my lung strength.”

Lily still seemed fidgety. I reached for her hand and drew her to me.

“Hey, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

She exhaled and let out a nervous laugh. “I’ve been wanting to dance with you again, and I thought maybe we could do that up here.”

“Oh yeah? Did you have some Tayler Swift in mind?”

With a wide grin, she shook her head. “No Taylor this time. I have a special song instead.”

“Really?” I bent down and kissed along her neck. “When are you going to let me make love to you, Lil? I’m all healed, you know.”
